Books by the old Leather Chair

  • Snow In The Summer
  • My Bible
  • The Power of Silence
  • What Comes Next and to Like It
  • Encore Provence
  • A Year in Provence

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Good Salad And Good Herbs

The last several months
seems nothing has tasted very good to me.
Do not have a hearty appetite and with
Sjogrens very dry mouth does not help.

Yesterday made a pasta salad for lunch that was tasty
with an addition of white albacore tuna,
hard boiled egg, celery and
from my little garden  - lettuce and topped it with
cilantro, dill, parsley and green onion.
Forgot about the chives and soon basil
can be used.

At dawn new plants were put in
the small garden space...
2 tomato, 2 zucchini, 2 yellow squash,
1 green pepper and 1 cucumber plant.
1/2 dozen of cherry tomato plants
have surfaced from last year.
Also the Egyptian onions are
quite showy but not all that keen
on their taste.  Of course last year
was the first year and they are
suppose to be larger this year.
Sage is blooming along with chives.

Other years have planted seeds
but there are too many in the package
and I did it differently this time.

Next year this small garden may go in
in back by the deck.  Will sow
the small area in front of cottage
with grass seed.   This will save
me a little energy and will not have
to be trimmed around and kept
so tidy looking.

Hopefully rain that is predicted
will arrive - the soil is very dry....


Judy said...

you are busy--that is good. I did manage to get 6 strawberry plants put in the raised bed last week. Probably no berries this year--but a promise for next year--something to look forward to.

lil red hen said...

Nothing tastes as good as fresh-from-the-garden things; enough to stir up an appetite maybe? Our garden soil gets so packed on top after a rain that it takes it a while to become workable. Grass loves the unworkable time and gets ahead of me. Nothing much to tell about except a few potato plants.

Have a wonderful weekend!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Your salad sounds delicious and oh so fresh.

Have a nice weekend and I hope you get the rain you need. We are expecting some heavy rains with thunder and lightening for the next few days and temps down into the 50's. Wow. We need the rain and the cooler temps will be wonderful too.


One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Judy, Charlotte and FL, thanks for visiting. The soft rain fell all night - now all will grow - including the weeds :)

Sky said...

It's getting warm enough here to buy and plant our basil for the season. I cannot live without it. For some reason I cannot get the parsley to overwinter here. In GA it lived 12 months a year and got huge and thick and beautiful. Here it's an annual except perhaps for a couple of very tiny sprigs that sometimes hang around. Glad you have gotten some rain. Your trees will benefit from all the rain they can get when the summer dry spells occur.