Special thank you to all who have helped me these past 3 months.
Two unexpected hospital visits and one calling 911
For something so simple it sure was a lot of expense, weakened me and lost weight which I did not need to lose.
Linda Wells - a neighbor I reconnected with and memories of her boys helping me in yard
when I lived at the old farmhouse. Linda has constantly made weekly visits, for weeks
would bring me something to eat, put hot water bottle in my bed and wait while I took a bath
to make sure I got out of tub safely. Still comes weekly and says "call me if you need me."
Lisa Williams, helping me weekly, taking me to grocery, doctor appt and most of all coming
with her husband to take me home on a very cold snowy afternoon when I was released from
hospital. She is an angel...
My local pharmacist, who does not ordinarily deliver medications - did this for me, knowing
I was not driving and not well.
Weekly visits from Lana Osborne who brings me fresh eggs from her chickens and I give
her my Sunday N.Y. Times
Ann Morris, visits or calls weekly, The Copes who have the near dog kennel and kept
Callie for me while I was in hospital, checked on me and picked up meals for me.
Judy Holland, a dear and special cousin Judy and another special cousin Ronnie, who call me.
The mail carrier who bring my mail down the long gravel road to my cottage,
Judy Holman, who stayed with me in hospital and at home for several days and hopefully
have not forgotten anyone.
These health issues took place
during the cold, snowy days when roads were not agreeable for family to be with me.
All mentioned still visiting and calling.
Arthur, the therapist who came to my home for a month and helped me in more ways
then he will ever know. His constant encouragement was a blessing and never will forget him.
His words constantly echoing in my mind "you will have to find a way to accept what is going
on with your body - it is not going away."
Now driving for 3 weeks and going to out patient therapy
and Victor has now taken over twice a week.
Oh my
wonderful and wish I was able to go to him the rest of my life.
I realize that these treatments will not heal me
but give me pain free hours, help me keep moving and I always leave Victor's with a smile on my face
and hope.
Always hearing their words constantly echoing in my thoughts
"do not fall."
So a special thanks to all who have helped me....
and you will never be forgotten.
I do not like what is going on with this container, which is my body
but so much to be thankful for.