Not looking forward to tomorrow
my special driver and I will head for the big city of Nashville,
my Jamie will meet us at the oral surgeon,
3 back upper teeth to come out
seems since Schgogrens entered the picture 10 years ago and Shingles last year there is a problem
with my teeth. Before 70 teeth were beautiful,
So onward I go and nothing else to be done,
I have done something I refused to do, increased pain medication from lowest dose1/2 pill to 1 pill
does help a little
This one never took medication besides vitamins, thought people who did were weak
so see how stupid I was.
So I an sharing my absurd thoughts,
Hoping all goes well as this frail body is weary of all that is going on.
Knees are worse after the shots of Hydraulic Acid, painful and will accept that our bodies
were not meant to last forever.
Last week because of pain level and anxiety went to my doctor which Hospice approved and they wanted me to go to ER I refused, knowing they would keep me.
Thankful my doctor did bloodwork and EGG, seems I am probably fine and just have a difficult
time excepting all of this.
The busy one just has difficulty sitting still, next checking will be eyes, oh my love of reading
been on hold with Shingles affecting them, Probably stronger glasses will remedy.
I will bounce back, just stubborn of doing what needs to be done.
Dislike sharing all of this, forgive me but many writing "where are you"
You are all special and dear
know this and will let you know the results.