A children's book and I liked it so much I bought it to have on hand and then sent a copy to my oldest grandchildren, Jessica and Gavin. They were at the age of learning manners. They are now attending Vanderbilt University.
My daughter shared that when they were little she and my soninlaw would read this book to them over and over and the children loved it.
This book kept coming to mind since my move to this home. I remembered that I also bought a copy of this book to have on hand when grandchildren visited.
I cannot find my copy. I have looked and looked. I am this well organized lady who does not lose things.
I recently ordered another copy of this book to have on hand to read to my two little ones.
So I would say to you - if anyone reads this journal and has a little one from 3 to 7 or 8 years of age I would recommend this book. It is funny and a lot can be learned from it.
Some sharing this early morning from One Woman on Her Journey Through Life
Ernestine, Thanks so much for this post. I am going to order this for my grandson for Christmas. He is not even two yet but I know his parents will love it for him. They read to him all the time now and he is only 16 months. He sits there like he knows what they are saying?? I can't wait to get it.
It does sound like a cute book...
could help every little one
Hello Ern! What a coincidence about reading!!
You've been taggged!! See my blog.
That looks great. Even though my kids are older, I'll check it out :)
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