Roses and some flowers still blooming. I have begun to clean flower beds but will leave some flowers for the birds to eat on through the winter.
Turnip greens thriving. As a child I would not touch them. But for years have loved them and with hot corn bread nothing could be tastier.
October gave a party
October gave a party
The leaves by hundreds came
The Chestnuts, Oaks and Maples
And leaves by every name
The sunshine spread a carpet
And everything was grand
Miss weather led the dancing
Professor Winds the band
George Cooper
Your garden is still beautiful. I love the pictures and can't believe it is October already.
Your garden is beautiful, really. And I like the sunshine in your garden. Thanks for sharing the pictures.
What is your philosophy on how you set up the structure of your garden? Did you have a clean slate or did you have to work around certain trees, underground and above ground structures?
What a beautiful garden, and even more beautiful poem !!!
Your butterfly photo is outstanding. Your garden is coming along nicely and is beautiful. I wish I had your green thumb.
Tabor emailed you a long note.
Just the smallest yard I have ever had and brought everything I could get out ground from my previous home and hoped some would live. Threw out seeds in the Spring and am amazed how almost everything made it. Has a cottage look. No planning. Flowers just lived and smile at me. But then I have had people who know me comment they could not do this. I have planned and built 5 homes over the last 30 years on my own. 5 before that when I was married. So guess planning homes and gardens became my life. Have been told I should have went into business. I have given a number of people ideas. But I have done this for pleasure, each home sold and provided some income.
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