Spring went away and it has been cold and rainy. Strange that those turnip greens have never died, sure must be hardy and will have to hoe them out and start anew. Bought some lettuce seeds and will plant soon.
Many young deer are venturing so close to cottage and do not even scatter when I go outside. Do not want them in my gardens.
My daughter Beth came to visit and brought my special Tuscany bread from Nashville.
She shared that on Saturday my youngest spent the day with her. What she shared still brings a smile
to my face. Seems they went to many special shops, stopped for a hamburger and then when they returned "the little one sitting on the sofa leaned back and replied "this is the life Aunt Beth" her age 6 statement.
Jamie and little girls will visit today. No school as it is President's day.
Just finished reading a note from across the water
in part
"in the last few day's there were students from England, Sweden, Austria, India, Iran, Taiwan, Malaysia, Japan, Belgium, Canada, South Carolina, USA - and of course Thailand and probably a few countries I have forgotten."
Also described some of the vegetarian dishes that are being enjoyed.
On this cold dark morning, mom has the thought - Now that is the life - wonder can I have another one
and enjoy the one described to me?
Every time I look at Sandra's image and sharing on her recent weekend post - I smile.
So, I am sharing it for this week.

"When you realize how perfect everything is, you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky"
~~Siddhartha Gautama Buddha~~
This is the life. Out of the mouths of the unspoiled children come forth wisdom and delights.
A new week to smile. I really like that.
This photo, as I said, is my favorite non-family photo ever. The quote is my current mantra.
Have yourself a fabulous week. Laugh out loud.
Sandra, thank you for the smile this quote is giving me.
Take care....
Your post and the photo have me smiling :-). Thank you for sharing.
I wish you continuing joyous moments.
Little children ~ aren't they precious!
Deer come much too close here too; I'm already thinking my flowers will have a tough time of it when they begin to put out.
We do have much to smile about ~ all around us.
i love the photo. How wonderful to throw back our head and laugh at the sky--maybe only children do that? No...I think I can too...someday.
Pienosole, Charlotte and Judy,
thanks for visiting. Have a good day.
Regarding your comment there are various browsers that people use to interface with the Internet. The most popular are Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer,Google. I use Firefox most of the time. When I cannot I used Internet Explorer. All of these browser have various versions and upgrades. It gets complicated. I can still use all of mine with Blogger so wonder what could be your issue. I think Blondemom should check out your PC as it is your lifeline to all of us great folks.
Tabor, thank you. Guess yesterday was an overwhelming day and then could not use computer like I normally do. I will figure it out.
Daughter #3 tells me it will be good for my brain. At the moment
the brain does not want a workout :)
Regarding your question on Flickers, I am sure they would be in your area...whether your woods specifically I do not know. They are shy and if they hear you, they will take off. I think ours have just gotten used to my house...but if I go outside they fly away. They are found in number of 3 or more on the ground eating bugs and they are pretty good sized. Keep your eyes open.
It feels good to laugh, doesn't it? That's the perfect photo for that quote.
this IS the life...such a wise child.
This is the life we have been given. To laugh and be jolly, just like that child in the picture, and to feel Buddha's quote move through me...thank you!
Sharon, Laura and Mermaid, thank you for visiting me.
Tabor, I will be on the lookout for the Flickers :)
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