country road
a few days ago
I saw this old tree
stopped my truck
I could
hardly take my eyes
off of you
You are beautiful
But the striking part to me
is your massive trunk
Special tree
Wonder how old you are
If you could speak
wonder what wonderful
stories you could tell
Of a different time
a slower time
maybe a time of happiness
a time of sadness
I wanted to hug you
But no way I could get
my arms around you....
I never saw a discontented tree. They grip the ground as though they liked it,
and though fast rooted they travel about as we do. They go wandering forth
in all directions with every wind, going and coming like ourselves, traveling with us around the sun two million miles a day, and through space - heaven knows how fast and far. ~~John Muir~~
A lovely poem and a beautiful old tree. Thank you! Annie
You and I are often in sync as I feel the same way about big old trees that survive in spite of us and in spite of the weather.
Such a magnificent tree...As you know Lily and I love trees! I have a really big tree in the yard and wonder what all it has seen. It has a little place where Lily has sat since she was a baby!
I just love old trees and so often must stop, like you, and just look and appreciate all it has survived, sheltered, and added to this earth. I once visited the very famous Wye Oak on the Eastern shore of MD. Since then it was struck by lightning and destroyed and I remember how that news filled me with loss.
There is a huge old tree outside my office with a twist to its trunk and it always looks like it is dancing no matter the weather. In the summer, when leafed out, it reminds me of a beautifully aging woman!
Thanks for the lovely poem.
Annie Joy, Tabor, Beverly and Marcia - thanks for dropping in.
Very cold - has returned :(
We have a tree on the ancestor's farm that takes 8 people standing finger tip to finger tip to span. It is one of the oldest in this state--200 years. I have often wished it could tell me stories of my great, great grandparents and those who came after. We call it our "family tree"--a massive, old oak.
Stunning tree; gorgeous words. Wonderful!
I love this poem and the gorgeous tree you have honored. It is so like you Ernestine...full of life and wise stories.
A beautiful tree, no doubt about it! I am a tree hugger have been for many years - they seem to give me the extra strength I need, especially now. We lost a tree in the village this week and to see it's great big trunk laying sideways on the ground was very saddening. Still we must plant more, so that the next generations can enjoy them as we do now. Blessings from a little village in the UK
Judy, Darla, Susan and LauraX, thank you for your welcome comments.
That tree is absolutely amazing!
My Jamie - your mom may be the only one in this country area to stop in the middle of the road and take a picture of a big old tree:)
It is really something...
what is the name of that tree?
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