These pictures will give you some idea of the continual clearing by hand and today was a day that Chris who went to high school with your sister - arrived with saw in hand. A lot of branches and scrub trees were to big for me to pick up. The pile of branches represent one of many throughout the woods.
These images do not do justice to all the clearing and piles of branches.
He also spread a truck load of mulch and brought a ladder to reach some inside high cabinets for me.
I know longer feel safe on a ladder. Especially since a bad fall at the old farm house. To think I never thought twice about being on a ladder and even on the roof of our home. Time took care of that... Chris has helped me over the last 10 years and I am so very thankful for him making time for me when I need special help.l
In a couple of weeks or less I will not venture off the paths created in the woods.
With 40 to 50 feet cleared on either side and the back of the cottage - I am pleased. Opens up the woods where I have a good view and also as I make trips on my tractor I am blowing a lot of leaves further into the woods. May apples and several varieties of wild flowers starting to emerge.
I know you have repeatedlty told me not to clear the woods. You are well aware that I have a problem pacing myself. With the paths that have been made I can enjoy the woods year round. I am happiest when creating and have some thoughts for the future of this special property.
It was a long and cold winter, now that Spring is arriving it seems like I am coming alive.
When I kept having recurring thoughts of returning home and would visit this property it was if my spirit came alive.
Looking forward to your trip home and in my mind I can see you walking these paths in the woods.
Not clearing all the woods - just surrounding area......
Sent with love....
Not worried about you clearing all the woods. They shed lots and often and once you think it is clear...like that kitchen floor with children, it needs sweeping again.
Tabor, you are so right. I wanted to get down to the bare earth to see what what under years of leaves. Nice dirt !!
Thinking of the new baby, you and family :)
such a sweet message to your beloved son...I know the reunion will be a sacred, joyful one!
Oh I do love this! Your woods are gorgeous, and the note to your son was lovely too.
Laura and Cate, thank you so much for visiting. A cold snap in my area :) Should have known - it is only March...
We have done the same things here with our property. Clearing small trees, limbing up, making trails. It's nice to be able to escape to the woods, to meander a path and observe how everything changes with the seasons.
I suspect this is a labour of love from your son to you...he must be grateful to have such a wonderful mom.
Deborah, thank you for the kind comment...
that made me tear up.....a window to your heart.
I just love the story about how you "came Home" by creating Wood Haven. Those paths would be the perfect place for walking meditations. Dreamy beautiful!
Beverly and Marcia, thanks for the kind words...
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