This is in Southeast Asia
Bordering Gulf of Thailand
Between Thailand, Vietnam and Laos
A country of between 13.8 million people
Sharing about a brief visit to Siem Reap, Cambodia. Many ancient temple ruins such as Angkor Wat are in this area.
This is all the information I will share on this post. If you are interested in this most
ancient temple - you can look it up online.
So much information and so fascinating that I could hardly take it all in.
At this time of life it is all I can do to learn a portion of what is now my life at the edge of the woods in northern Tennessee.
I know I repeat myself many times - but I still find it amazing that a son who I raised in the South has such a love for a land far over the ocean. Oh - I wish I could visit him one time.
He has introduced me to new lands, a new culture and way of life. He is determined to learn to speak conversational Thai.
In one of our last conversations I asked what transportation he used? His answer "On every corner there are motorcycle taxis that I use on occasion because the cars are often stuck in traffic and motorcycles fly right through - though they are not very safe. But my main mode of transportation is my feet - I love walking - whatever country I may be in."
To end my post some random quotes....
There can be mindfulness in anything you do. While you are drinking a cup of water
~~Thich Nhat Hanh~~
People are so busy they don't hear the birds singing. They don't know how to appreciate the birds singing ~~Sayaaw U Jotika~~
It seems an almost winter day has returned to my woods. 32 degrees and the wind is howling.
Loving Kindness (metta) is sent to you this day....
Isn't the temple beautiful? Thank you for sharing your thoughts and little moments from your day. I think one of the things I love about blogs is that they can celebrate or focus on the smaller moments that make up a meaningful life.
Aisling, thank you so much for your comment. They are always so meaningful to me. You could be my daughter..
Main purpose in writing is so that my grandchildren will really know me. My simple life at this time - I find exciting - and the same goes for my children and grandchildren as their lives unfold.
Have a good day - filled with peace and wisdom.
Ernestine, Though you are writing for your grandchildren, I am so glad I can get to know you through your writing too! And thank you for saying I could be your daughter. I have that same feeling of "kindredship."
Along side his own individuality, this son is like his mother. He is immersing himself in this new culture. I think he will learn so much more because of this. He is living the true magic of life. Honestly facing life. Not everyone can do this, or even knows to do this. I am only just learning!
Thank you for sharing.
Happy Sunday!
Thank you for sharing a little more about your son's life. It seems to me that he has been blessed with an amazingly inspiring mother to have the courage to go so far away and to fall in love with another culture the way he has. Indeed you are both blessed.
Perhaps you could arrange a visit to your son while he lives abroad? Just a brief visit, say, a week or two? He surely would be so pleased to show you all of these beautiful sites.
I know how you love your woods, Ernestine, so it may not be as easy as one might imagine.
Beautiful temple, and I appreciate so many of the thoughts here -- especially the one about "walking" instead of using other modes of transportation. I found your post through "One Woman's Life in Maine" -- thanks for the lovely glimpse into your world!
Sandra, LauraX, Cindy, thank you for the comments
Elsa Louise, I have missed your comments. I do not know about visiting - a long flight - to make it worthwhile would have to be gone 2 or 3 weeks. At the moment number one on my wish list is the ocean. Oh, if I could be 2 people.
One here and one to travel:) Please visit again.
I fell in love with the temples in Indonesia. they retained the dignity and honoring for some reason. Borabudur is like Ankor wat in some ways. It is pleasant to be able to appreciate both sides of the globe at the same time...that seems very Buddhist to me.
nice post! i so hope to read one day that you have been willing to gather your courage and visit your son in the land that brings him such pleasure and contentment. a long flight, yes, but he will be at the other end waiting for you! you can fly nonstop from LA. the airlines offer help with connections so you really won't have to deal with it alone. what a wonderful opportunity to see more of the world while you are physically able to travel AND to have such quality time with your son.
what kind of work does he do over there, ernestine? i have friends who have traveled the world and many have said thailand was the most beautiful of all the places they've visited.
Tabor and Sky, thanks for visiting.
Hi Ernestine, I love your new header. It is really beautiful. My son spent time in Europe when he was younger and has always wanted to return there to live. He is also a Southern raised boy loving another country. I hope you are well and I know you are looking forward to spring like me. It is cold here today. Have a good week.
Judy, thanks for visiting. Have the same thoughts about Spring and our son's :)
"There can be mindfulness in anything you do..."
I needed these words today. Earlier would have been better, but I'll take them now too.
Your post reminded me of George Leonard's book, Mastery -- if you've not read this, I think you would enjoy it -- because of words like these:
"Satisfaction lies in mindful repetition, the discovery of endless richness in subtle variations on familiar themes."
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