Mushroom hunters arrived looking for Morel's Still too early for this harvest I am still not comfortable preparing and eating a part of their valuable harvest Wild phlox that were transplanted from the edge of a creek on my country road are blooming Poison ivy shot yesterday, seems this medication along with the pills keeps me awake at night. If I had it only on my waist I would think "shingles".
When we look around us, we can see that nothing exists in isolation, which is another way of saying that everything is interdependent. For instance how could separate a flower from the many causes and conditions that produce it - water, soil, sun, air, seed, and so forth. Can we find a flower that exists independently from these causes and conditions.
AsI read this quote a moment ago it made me think of myself as an individual....
Well, it's a pretty mean phooey you are still dealing with the poison ivy. When I had shingles, at the onset, my lower back hurt and I felt like I had bugs crawling all over me.
You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Your woodland, creek and gardens are so beautiful. I so love seeing the fruits of your labors and the wild things too.
I've never foraged for mushrooms. I'd be skittish too.
Wishing you a better day and hoping the shot kicks in. Also, that you sleep well tonight.
Gorgeous pictures. Just found your lovely blog.
Sorry to hear about your inflammation, whatever it is. Darn!
I get horrendous reactions to poison ivy (hate drugs) and also have shingles now and then, so can relate to your angst.
On the bright side, it's led me to learn a lot more about holistic health and herbs, which is empowering.
Take care! Look forward to reading more posts!
I have heard Shingles can be very painful. I had poison ivy once that spread from my lower legs upward. When it got to my thighs, I got scared of where it was going next and went in and got a Cortisone shot and pills and that really stopped it. Haven't had it since. Your pictures are truly beautiful--I am so jealous of your house by the woods!!!!!
Ouch. My aunt also has shingles and it sounds pretty uncomfortable. May the blooming garden of rainbow colors send light and love into every burning sore! May you be well soon!
Joe has had shingles...they can be very painful.Neither of us has had poison ivy...so can't compare the two.
I do hope that you get some relief from whatever it is.
Have a good night's sleep...Balisha
oh Ernestine, I'm so sorry...I had shingles two years ago...five different neural pathways around my face and head...ended up stirring up a full blown MS exacerbation...YUCK! I hope now that the doctor knows whats going on you will start to feel relief from the proper medications.
I will hold you in my heart with prayers dear one.
Sandra, Judy, Mermaid, Balisha and Laura - thanks for visiting.
Praying for a short time of this shingles :) I was told to take medication you have to start within a few days of onset. I have been dealing with this for 2 weeks - so - it will have to run its cours - anywhere from weeks to months. I pray for a quick healing.
Megan, thank you for visiting. Please come back....
So sorry to hear you have shingles. They are a nuisance and can be so painful. LM had them last year and it took awhile.
Your garden looks so beautiful and lush already. Thank you for bringing me some Spring today!
Comforting wishes for your symptoms to disappear quickly.
I am sooooo sorry to hear it is shingles! That is so painful. I have to be cautious about poison ivy and usually keep covered everywhere if clearing woods. Keep up your spirits!! Beautiful photos.
thinking of you today dear one.
Oh I am so sorry. I hope you are feeling better. I have heard it is not fun.
i used sarna lotion (from the drugstore - no script needed), original formula, and got immediate relief for my shingles. i thew away the steroid the doc gave me. it made me feel angry and off center, and i hated it! i had a little pain with mine - like someone stabbing me in the back with an ice pick every now and then. it faded over time, and within a month it was only very sporadic. i was pretty much ok by then.
stres is the culprit they say, and i know how i developed mine - STRESS AT WORK! i was in the midst of firing an employee and was under daily stress during that period. hope whatever stress you've been under is resolving. sending big hugs and wishes for peace of mind and some delight in the serenity of your woods.
Be well soon.
Marcia, Tabor, Laura, Beverly, Sky and Flower Lady,
Thank you so much for commenting.l
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