At this time of life I seem to lack self control when it comes to purchasing books, plants, anything that has to do with gardening and nature. Also lack this quality when it comes to my camera and computer.
Guess this is better then what was - years ago.
Not quite as disciplined in some areas. When in the corporate world I loved pretty clothes,
shoes, wonderful cosmetics. These seemed to have been replaced by my old garden clothes,
sturdy shoes, and makeup you are long gone. Late life freedom is wonderful!!!!
Also not to disciplined when I entered the dating world. This was a new experience at age 42.
I made a trip to garden center yesterday. Purchased lime, fertilizer, mulch, potting soil, gravel and several ferns for screen porch. Unloaded when I returned home, trying to be so careful not to hurt myself. I want to return and buy a Red Twig Dogwood that I spotted. Yesterday did not want to spend the money - but I want it.
I was so tired last night with a slight back ache and vowed that today I would do inside chores and rest.
Still up before day light and light rain all night - I just came inside from spreading 40 lbs of lime. It is a good time with the light rain predicted all day. Next rain I can fertilize
Put on my old jacket, jeans and the plastic rain hat that was my mother's. In years past I thought this rain hat looked ridiculous. Have now changed my mind - I like it and really do not care what it looks like.
Returning home I spotted the first buttercups on the side of the road and the stream I pass over looked calmer after all the rains last week. Also passed about 50 turkeys that were grazing but I could not stop and get camera out fast enough to capture a picture.
Wherever you are have a wonderful weekend.
My special girl, enjoy Jamaica, son enjoy the time in Cambodia. This one will be in the woods!!!
I am thinking your post should be "perspective" rather than "discipline." You have turn a new corner in your life. I also was into shoes and cosmetics only a decade or two ago. Now that I am old, and therefore, somewhat invisible, it no longer is important.
I've not been here in a while and wanted to say hello, lovely lady. I appreciate your post. I know what you mean by lack of self-discipline, but it thinks it'a alright because at least we are aware of it, yes? I prefer (at our age, anyway) to be aware and kind, compassionate to ourselves when we notice this tendency. I'd rather sip on buttercups, how about you? I keep looking for the crocus to appear here but I think we are still weeks away. xo
I had to chuckle at your gardening "get up" as my old friends would call it. I used to think that my old neighbor was a "character" Now, in my gardening "get up" my neighbors must think of me as a "character" Those old clothes are soft and comfortably fit our bodies. My wants and needs have changed also. I guess this is all part of the circle of life...Have a restful day in the house...Balisha
Tabor and Balisha - thanks for visiting. Jan, so good to read your special words. I check yours all the time but many times do not leave a comment. I think I am closer to spring then all of you. At least hope so :)
You really do have to pace yourself. Sometimes, just doing little bit is a good thing. It is lovely to hear stories about your passion for gardening. I live in a city and we don't even manage to keep the house plants alive. Doesn't stop me from loving to hear about others who do so much better at connecting to nature.
lilalia - you are so right
my son is always telling me
to pace myself - my daughters tell me to not do too much.
But when I feel good - I go nonstop.
Not a good habit.
Thank you so much for visiting and the reminder..
Self discipline, always nips at our heels, doesn't it. Sometimes I wish it would go away, and I would surely run a muck! :)
I suppose books are my biggest weakness these days. I do try to use the public library, but so much of what interests me they don't have, even loans from other libraries.
One day soon I hope to buy a good camera. I so want to share pictures.
I can identify with you and the importance of cloths and cosmetics when I was in the professional world. It was ridiculous! No more.
Some of our treasures remain the same, while we now gather new ones, as time goes by.
I right there with you, I like what I like, and it doesn't matter what it looks like. Liberated women. Eh!
Great pictures, thanks for sharing.
I haven't worn makeup since retirement--9 years now. None of my friends wear it either--we think it just gets into the wrinkles and makes them more visible. We are natural beauties!!! :-)
I just love how you have come to be so comfortable to just be you!! It gives me hope...I'm getting there but it is slow, still being int he workday world and all!!
Hope you get the red bud. They are so lovely!nescenum
We could be sisters -- we sound so much alike. Now and then.
Among other things, I've been sorting through my book collection, between keepers and giveaways. I have five beautiful books on growing roses -- three or four on growing herbs. Really. Who NEEDS five books devoted to one subject? But here's the icing on the cake -- or is it the irony on the cake? -- I've four how-to books on keeping life simple!
You'll not be surprised to hear I bought my simplicity books while working 60-80 hour weeks for a large corporation. Thank goodness those days are over. These days, no make-up. And the main criteria for clothing purchases: Will it feel good on?
Have a simply wonderful Sunday.
Wm, Judy, Marcia and Janell, thank you for visiting. Winter has returned to the woods. 30 on my screen porch and wind is howlong...
Have a great day!
Love your daffodils! My gardening friend in town has started pansies from seed in her kitchen and promised me some to plant. It has warmed up to 40 degrees here today but we are getting inches of rain.
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