Guess that correctly sums up One Woman's energy level this early morning.
Put up all dishes and other items from yesterdays visit and meal. Loaded truck with 3 large bags of trash, cleaned grill and did 2 loads of wash. Then I proceeded to go over my wonderful new hardwood floors.
Oh, I love hanging outside on my new clothesline - but - the ground was muddy and literally did not have the energy to do this.
So, I did what I never thought I would do - I stretched a few things out on my deck railing. Used my dryer "also" and it has been used very little.
The sun is shining and I am in the middle of this incredible wooded area. So it does not matter but it is something that I never visualized me doing. I find I am doing a lot of things that I would not in the past think I would do - guess what - I love it.
One nice thing about cooking so much yesterday is I have a good lunch and evening meal today.
After everyone left yesterday I was on my deck talking to my close friend. I look up and here are 8 people riding horses down the special path I have been working so hard on. There were words including "who are you", and my last to them" this is private property". There is probably close to 200 acres of woods surrounding my property and I know in the past this has happened before. I just do not like it. I would not go on someone Else's property but then I have found out in my lifetime that many do not think like I do. No Trespassing signs were torn down over the years. I am actively looking for a couple of outside dogs and this would help. All dogs I have had in the past were very protective of me. Want special dogs that need a home.
Enough shared on this subject.
Some sharing from One Woman this beautiful sunny afternoon!!!
Hi Ernestine. So nice to have you back. You must be so happy to have your computer set-up once again.
Wood Haven looks beautiful and so peaceful, although, I bet it was teaming with activity with all your company!
The table in the kitchen is so wonderful. What a treasure, and the way you have it set with the rug is very attractive.Wishing you peace and new discoveries everyday.
You have reminded me of being at my Grandmother Maynard's house on wash day when she boiled big pots of water over fires in the yard and washed the white clothes first, then colored and finally dungarees. Very often she would have me spread the dish towels and rags on the bushes to dry. That was when I was very young. To this day I do my laundry in the same order, even though each load is in clean water. Goodness. Good to have you back regularly.
Marcia and Cloudhands, thank you for your kind comments. Yes, I love it here and now City Home Sell and all will be perfect. Have a good day.
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