I am not a regular coffee drinker but occasionally like a cup of decaf. When family visit for special occasions - coffee is always on hand.
I usually drink green tea with my breakfast and other blends at times.
This home surrounded by nature and woods just seemed to call for a cup of coffee this morning.
I took out my "old" coffee pot and wondered "will you still perk". I had thoughts that you better because I will need you over the holidays. Just received a message that one of my older granddaughter's is bringing a special friend home with her for Thanksgiving at Woodhaven.
This coffee pot was one of a very few wedding gifts. I think it was from the people I worked with at Ford Motor Company in Detroit, Michigan.
It is 52 years old.
As I looked at it this early morning it brought back a lot of memories. A young woman with rose colored glasses on and vows that took place in a small Methodist church in front of the alter. Only some of my family present.
Guess it was because this was my 23 year old husband to be - third marriage and there was a beautiful little girl with a head of blond curls - in this picture. I became in instant mom.
Enough sharing - this union did create my beautiful children and a number of super intelligent grandchildren.
Wonder how long this coffee pot will keep on perking?
Entry from One Woman
Probably will perk right along with you....
I can never think of anything to share, I should look, like you, at my everyday life, and it will be more interesting than I think....I love your posts.
I forgot, I love your new header. Is it looking out your door?
Beverly, everytime I post something I think I will have no more ideas - then one comes to mind and I type a way.
Sitting on my front porch yesterday evening the sky was wonderful and I was able to capture this image. Thanks for visiting.
Coffee in the morning is a must for me. When I drink tea then I feel like something is missing (probably caffeine). I do use de-caff once in awhile and it satisfies.
I have an old toaster that still works but I had to buy a new one to accommodate the bagels and wide sliced bread that I like. the slots in the old one were too narrow. The appliances of today have built in obsolescence.
Darlene, the coffee sure was good!!! You reminded me that my favorite toaster that would have been this age stopped working about 6 years ago. Replaced it with a toaster oven. Do not care for it. So guess I need to buy a toaster with a wide slot.
What a cute old percolator you have there. I think you did well to keep it this long, just shows how well made and enduring items can be when they aren't mostly plastic. I don't know how I missed your previous entry, but I enjoyed reading about your visit with dear friends.
I love your coffee pot. It just drips of character! ha! Love the new header, too. Isn't it amazing how we look at something and all the memories come flying back into our heads. Even some of the bad memories seem to take on a nice glow after several years.
At twenty two, a new bride, I had never made coffee. He taught me to make it the way his mother did. He thought he could also teach me to make a pie. A truckload of flour and three cans of crisco later, he called his mother and the dear lady sent over a perfect pie. After that we found a diner that served great pie. Amazing what your perulator perked up for me. LR
Cloudhands, Judy and Lonely Rivers,
Thanks for checking in. Guess this coffee pot does have character. Have not looked at any in years to see if they look different.
Lonely Rivers, a bride younger then you I made coffee very seldom.
News - Got my flu shot today!!!
I LOVE that coffee pot! I have my grandma's iron skillet and I use it constantly. Old things are awesome. (I keep telling myself that as I progress through my forties!)
wow - you have taken very good care of your coffee pot. i rarely drink coffee either, maybe a cup or 2 a winter! i would rather have cold beverages or hot tea or cocoa.
23 years old and already married 3 times - so much happening so quickly for such a young person, i think. hard stuff.
I am fairly sure that I have not gone even one day without coffee since I was about three years old. I have changed from high-test to decaf, but I drink at least 6 cups a day.
Amy, kenju and Sky - thanks for the comment - as I sit here hoping the rain will stop.
Amy, I have my mother's cast iron dutch oven and nothing cooks like it does. It is wonderful.
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