It was pouring rain and since this service is available she decided to use it.
She smiled when her son called and said he would bring her back to the country.
After picking up a sandwich and eating at the city table he put a number of bags of mom's fall and winter sweaters and slacks in his vehicle.
What pleasure it was to bring her much loved clock. The clock she held in her lap hoping the pendlum would stay secure.
It now sits in her bedroom and loves the comforting sound of the pendlum swinging back and forth.
This clock was a gift from her mother over 30 years ago. Her grandmother learned to tell time on it and it belonged to her great grandmother. So she told her son with a smile that this precious clock was his great great grandmother's.
As she winds it this early morning there are memories of 3 generations of strong women in her past. She will have to remind her daughters they they will have memories of 4 generations of strong women in their past.
The story of the little doll is that about 35 years ago it was bought for her youngest daughter for a Christmas present. Silly - I guess - but she could not part with it. One Woman does not remember ever having a doll when she was small.
So there is a clock that is probably 150 years old or more and a doll that was made in France sitting on a chest in her bedroom.
She is on the way to the dentist this morning. This appointment has been cancelled 3 times before and she cannot - cannot cancel again. Another errand marked off of her to do list.
Entry from One Woman this early morning
Your clock is beautiful and so is the doll. It is so nice to have things we love around us. I hope your dentist appt. was good. I have some stuff that belonged to my mother but nothing any further back than that. You are lucky to have your wonderful clock.
What wonderful heirlooms you have to pass on to the next generation. I hope you can instill a deep appreciation in the grand-kids as you share you enjoyment of having such mementos of times gone by.
Aisling already has my grandmothers black iron tea kettle. I need to ask the kids what strikes their fancy and tag them for future reference.
Such a beautiful clock!!
Thank you for sharing your lovely treasures with us. The clock is a work of art and the doll so sweet.
Hope the dentist went well.
I love your clock...it reminds me of the clock on my grandfather's mantle....it was so beautiful...
Judy, Cloudhands, kenju, Marcia and Beverly - thanks for stopping by.
All is well. Test revealed no bladder infection and here I have been on this dreaded antibiotic. Just a tooth filled yesterday.
I gave my grandfather's wall clock to my son. I think he still enjoys it.
The doll's face is lovely and I don't blame you for not wanting to give it up.
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