I am noticing a slight differance but downloading takes longer then my past DSL. Might be something I have to live with - if I want a computer - and I do.
I headed for the city cottage and did a quick going over the floors. Not being there since moving a lot of items a week ago I felt they needed it. Swifter, you are great.
Packed a few items or rather stuffed them in grocery bags. My son had some items for me to bring to my storage room - just what I need - more stuff. But, there were several nice games and my little girls will like them in time. They may beat everyone sometime soon like they do grandma at checkers.
My new header is a painting that was purchased in 1971. A Marian Cook painting that was also painted in 1971. I love this old barn scene and it is framed in old barn wood. It has a new home in the country and I placed it on the wall beside my computer desk.
My garden in the city continues to look wonderful. The hundreds of zennia's are drying and I will leave most for the birds. Will do some major clean up in a couple of weeks.
I took a picture of a giant Spider Lilly and vine on the privacy wall between my home and my neighbors.
I cannot take an image that does this justice.
Also another dozen tomatoes were shared and a dozen still on the vines. I do not have the energy to prepare and put in freezer.
I am running on empty and looking forwarding to a quiet weekend.
Stopped for a quick lunch and headed home and unloaded car. I unloaded all but a large boulder like stone that was in my mother's garden. My son had someone to pick up my television and take it to his home across the street (since his just went out) they loaded this stone into the trunk of my car - it will stay there until someone can remove it. I cannot!!!!
Also showing a picture of my turnip green patch which was planted a little over 2 weeks ago.
Next week I will be able to begin cooking a serving topped with a hard boiled egg. Now that is healthy eating.
Now, One Woman what do you eat at the end of the day. Maybe just a peanut butter sandwich.
Not hungry but I need the nourishment
What a lovely header picture. As soon as I saw it I was charmed. It felt like de-ja vu looking at it.
Hopefully you will get used to your computers different speed and it will come to feel normal. I usually turn mine on, go eat and then return with my cup of coffee.
I love that painting!
I can see why you loved that painting. It is really outstanding.
Soon you will no longer need to go to your city home and can spend all your time on your new property. I am sure that will be a happy day.
Cloudhands, kenju and Darlene, thank you for checking in. I think my computer is working better - hopefully so. I will know for sure on Monday when technician calls and does a speed test.
Taking an image of this painting does not do it justice. Have a good evening and tomorrow.
New to your blog and will definitely bookmark you!Love that pic on your header.Made me want to jump right into it and begin exploring!God Bless~Sharon
Me too, the peanut butter sandwich on raisin bread.
lily and I had a nice weekend...at the himmingbird festival....
Breathless I have arrived to sit and read and catch up on One Woman's Journey. I, too, journey . . . and it seems that I have been running lately. So much to do . . so much to attend to . . . so little time for blogging.
And then I sit and read and giggle at the thought of you in jammies with a peanut butter sandwich in hand. I would opt for bread and cheese, myself, but still . . . the picture frames us the same in different places on the globe and in life . . . but still the same. ; D
I read your writing in such a gentle tone which masks the frustration you express. I shall continue to pray for all your adjustments.
Yoga, turnip greens/eggs (I must try that), and a favorite portrait -- it has been a rich visit in a calming place for two friends who journey together so far apart.
I so appreciate the comments you leave on my blog . . . nourishment for my soul that spawns joy. Thank you.
I look forward to more "visits' and maybe some "touring" of home and garden when the time is right. Oh bother . . . the clock ticks away and I must be back at the dishes (how I do despise coming down to a mess in the morn).
Thank you for the moment's respite for this weary lady. I shall return again soon.
Sharon and Beverly, thank you for checking in.
Debbie, the peanut butter - not my favorite - but I have lost weight and feel it is fatteing. I think you read between my lines.
Blessings sent to you this day.
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