Books by the old Leather Chair

  • Snow In The Summer
  • My Bible
  • The Power of Silence
  • What Comes Next and to Like It
  • Encore Provence
  • A Year in Provence

Sunday, January 29, 2017

A Joy Each Day

A bright spot on this cold rainy and a few flakes of snow morning in the country.
My Orchids now sporting 22 blooms and 8 buds.
In my past years maybe one Orchid plant that survived a short time but on my chop block
where I do not want them they are thriving. Evidently just the right amount of sun and shade and I use once a week while watering and an Orchid Spray from Lowe's.   Nice that they sometimes bloom for 3 months.

A lot is done in two hours this early morning with pain  and then the pain is so severe I have to stop, thankful for the 2 hours and will check again
with Rheumatoligist and back to the Orthopedic doctor to see if anything different then I have been told..

So weary of going to these doctors but once again want to make sure this is just advancing Arthritis
and Sjogrens like I am told.   I am still not sure this is it and really do not care what it is just want to be correctly
diagnosed and not just the suggestion of more pain pills which I will not take (only Tylenol 8 hour pain pills take the edge off)  also the 10's unit helps and Arnica Jell  If this is what it is I will accept and just
continue doing all I can with exercise, rest and diet.

May as well share as may just stop writing but it seems writing is an addiction :)

New pain in arms, always in shoulders and cortisone shots but now in arms also legs, lower back
and now knees.  This sounds pitiful and forgive me.  Cane used a lot in my home and always
when I have someone take me to grocery.   My best walking at grocery holding onto cart and asked
if I could buy one, they said no and horrible thoughts of taking my truck and bringing one home
as many times I see them all over town where people have taken them.

I cannot fall, thankful for help driving me and do not like it and hopes of driving next week
but want to be wise,  fine driving just difficult getting out of car.   I never planned on being
this helpless.   Thankful for help one morning a week, home therapy that insurance covers and soon
will stop, cannot use vacuum any longer or put contoured sheets on my bed, reach high cabinets and high rod in closet to hang clothes.

I share and then when in waiting room of doctors see those much worse then me and feel ashamed.

Thankful for limited help and all I can handle, never want to leave this home which is like a nature retreat.  Thanks for listening...



Wisewebwoman said...

You share away and often my friend. You are a power of example as to survival confronted with a myriad of challenges.
Nothing wrong with complaining. I can't stand Pollyannas. Make me feel less than.
Pain sucks the bag. it colours life in a grey wash.
Much love to you. Keep kicking away.

Carolyn Marie said...

Your sharing always inspires me. I learn from your example of taking pleasure from the "small" things in life. I learn about perseverence and courage from how you face the challenges in your life. You are a treasure.

Rebecca said...

I agree with the words of the others "above" me here...
Thinking however that it is not "giving up" to listen to advice and concerns of family. I think it takes a rare combination of humility and courage to see reality and make the appropriate changes - just as you have been doing to the present time. Don't stop "evolving" now! And thanks for the openness you display along the way.

Nan said...

That's really it, isn't it. We feel badly, and then feel grateful that it isn't worse. I like what Rebecca said.

My Journey To Mindfulness said...

Thanks to each of you
for your words.
My Jamie and granddaughter Caitlin just left.
They are better doctors or medicine.
Wish I could wrap my arms around all of you...

Mitzi said...

You are so admired. Please don't ever consider stopping writing. You are such a wonderful example of courage in action.

susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

I hope you don't stop writing here. Your photographs are great and I always get inspired by the wonderful food that you prepare for yourself. I also gain inspiration from the ways you handle your struggles with pain. I have osteoarthritis in several areas of my body. Mostly I always hurt to some extent, but then there are days when I hurt so much I wonder how I will stand it, and how much worse it will become in my lifetime. I find relief from Tylenol and much prefer it to some of the prescription meds which don't help much more than the Tylenol, but have unexpected side effects. Steroid shots work great for the pain but have so many side effects for me that they almost seem dangerous.

I hope you will continue to post your writings from your home there near the woods for a very long time to come.

lil red hen said...

So. so sorry that you are in this much pain. Your situation makes me so very grateful for the good health I have. I would like to retire from the farm work, but everyone tells me if I stop working things will go downhill for me. So I ask myself, does working make me stronger, or am I able to work because I am stronger? Will keep praying for you dear friend.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Dear Ernestine ~ I agree with what the others have said, and hope you will continue to write about your life, because you inspire us all.

I pray you get some relief from the extra pain you are having.

Love, hugs & prayers ~ FlowerLady

Pienosole said...

May you have less pain and more joy! :-)

Tabor said...

You seem to be approaching this as best you can. wondering if you could afford part-time day care to assist in your house. I have seen those walkers with large baskets in the front and if buying for one person that might help. They are at Wall-mart and also on Amazon, althought the baskets are now large you might be able to attach one larger.

Candace said...

I identify with your wish for a shopping cart as best walking is in grocery stores. I actually bought one a few years ago with bad results. Shopping carts with their little wheels are only good on those bump free tile floors.:(
Try a walker that has adjustable handles and large, easy to turn wheels to go over rugs, thresholds, and humps and bumps outside. I use mine with the handles much higher than recommended but it works best for me. So much easier to use than a cane. With handles high enough I can even lean when I get tired. Mine is a Drive Nitro and the handles are very easy to adjust, no knobs to turn or bolts to line up. It folds side to side making it easier to get in a car.