Another time, my aunt who is now 95. My last trip a young woman from our small town community accompanied Jamie and myself. I can remember that at this time I seriously considered of relocating to this island. I even inquired about employment and business opportunities.
I close my eyes and I can see that blue water when our plane is landing. A color of blue that I cannot even describe. Once at our location at Half Moon I can hear the waves, smell the ocean smells and feel a special peace and quiet coming over me.
Remember at breakfast time having fresh fish that was cooked with lime juice in a way that I have never had again. The rolls, coffee cakes and the fruit. Everything was perfect.
In the evening at dinner time as we walked to the outdoor eating area, the aromas that filled the air. Especially the night when every thing was cooked outside. The array of food was mind boggeling. Every type of fish, lobster, beef, pork, and veal. Everything you could imagine was being cooked for you to view. Every type of vegetable and on and on. The desert area was one of my favorites. Especially a home made fudge that they made. I was given the recipe but never could duplicate it.
It always seemed to me like everyone moved in slow motion. But guess that was because this mom with 4 children moved at too fast a pace. I can remember when arriving back at home that for a few weeks I continued at this slow pace and then it began to speed up and I was back to my normal fast pace.
From the depths of my heart I have yearned to return. But no traveling companion and this is not a place for a woman alone to set out to visit. But then those are my thoughts. I always had a slight feeling of being uncomfortable even with my husband and children. Might be because I was so far from home.
Everyone was so very nice and courteous but I was aware of how far from home and in the middle of the ocean I was staying. I can remember the time all the current went off on the island.
I have never experienced such darkness. I can remember the time we went in September and preparation was being made for what might be a bad storm. I can remember the Jamacian's doing special things with my son. I can remember the evenings listening to the native music and dancing. I can remember over and over being told what a beautiful family we were.
In those years we traveled with a lot of luggage. There had to be sport coats for the men and the girls and I always wore long dresses in the evening. Except for the casual barbeque night. I think resorts of this type are more casual at this time. But I do not know since my world has been close to home for a number of years.
So I can close my eyes and smell the ocean and hear the waves. I can remember the special islanders who remembered our family each time we returned. Can remember the time that one special young man never left our family and when I returned home I did some special inquirying about bringing him to our home in the states. I still remember him bringing a box lunch to our family on departing day and I could see him waving as our plane pulled off. Remembering it still brings tears to my eyes. Winston, what has happened in your life? Please forgive me that I could not fulfill your dream at that time.
So I can close my eyes and smell the ocean and hear the waves. I can remember the special islanders who remembered our family each time we returned. Can remember the time that one special young man never left our family and when I returned home I did some special inquirying about bringing him to our home in the states. I still remember him bringing a box lunch to our family on departing day and I could see him waving as our plane pulled off. Remembering it still brings tears to my eyes. Winston, what has happened in your life? Please forgive me that I could not fulfill your dream at that time.
I am thankful for these memories but there is a small part of me that would like to sit on that beautiful beach once more.
Some more memories from this One Woman on her Journey Through This Life.
You are one of those magical people actually thinking you can bring back someone to your home! Such optimism. I have always wanted to visit Jamaica ever since I saw a show by Arthur Godfrey (remember him). But never got the time scheduled.
Sounds like a wonderful place to visit and you have so many great memories from Jamaica. I remember when my husband and I took a cruise to the Bahamas and I had a whole wardrobe made before we left because you wore long dresses every night and dressed for dinner, etc. All that has changed now. It is much more informal.
Great pictures....great stories.
Where are you in the pictures? : )
My ex and I honeymooned in Ocho Rios, Jamaica....wonderful memories. I especialy remember walking up the Denn's River Falls while holding tight to the guide's hand. You described so much of it so beautifully.
The more that I get to "know" you...the more unique and incredible I think that you are.
oops...Dunn's River Falls.
: )
Tabor, thank you for referring to me as magical. Judy, yes everything is casual now. I like it. Grammie that is me with the bathing suit on with my youngest daughter and me with my 4 children.
Old pictures but in some ways it feels like it was yesterday.
Thank you online friends for the comments and continued encouragement.
i can imagine your returning. i hope so much you will find a travel companion and go back! when places fill our lives with so much joy it is a shame not to continue the enjoyment. even though it has all changed i am sure it would be a fabulous experience! sending this wish out into the universe, just for you.
(my friend's aunt travels all over the world with various senior groups she does not personally know and meets fascinating people along the way. the group leaders seem to keep it organized and nurture the sense of safety those attending all have.)
Sky, I am just not a group traveler. I do good one on one but not around a lot of people.
Never made it to Jamaica, but went to several other islands in the Caribbean and loved them!
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