The memories come flooding into her mind. Christmas season in the past was filled with the endless shopping, baking, picking out just the right gift and hiding them so they would be a surprise.
Stacks of cards sent and many letters written as it seemed a special time to get in touch with those who were special. Many of those special ones had not been seen in years but they came to mind at this time of the year. The endless decorating the house inside and out. Special candle light Christmas Eve service at church. The beautiful hymns and the Lords Supper. A special time of reflection into the past, present and future. The children so excited they could hardly sleep and then Christmas morning everyone was up at dawn. Really special if it was snowing.
The excitement of the gifts everyone would receive and she would always receive something so special from the father of her children. Gifts at that time for a lifestyle at a different time in her life. Now her life is so much simpler and that type of gift would have no appeal.
A special big breakfast was made. A southern breakfast. She scrambled a dozen or more eggs, sausage, bacon and ham, biscuits and milk gravy. Usually banana bread or pumpkin bread, a coffee cake and special jams and jelly's that had been made the summer before. Coffee, tea and juice for everyone to help themselves. Oh the smells of Christmas breakfast. Later in the day more family and sometimes some friends of the children would arrive. Then the big dinner of turkey, dressing, scalloped oysters (my son's favorite) several kinds of vegetables (some from the freezer of summer freezing, corn and green beans) and a relish tray filled with stuffed celery. At one time her homemade yeast rolls and sour dough bread. Then on to the desert of jam cake, sour cream pound cake and every one's favorite chocolate fudge cake. Along with tea, coffee, wine and eggnog on a sideboard.
She cannot remember all that was prepared but these she remembers this cold rainy morning.
She remembers the endless pictures being taken and the movie camera that dad used continually.
She remembers with a thankful heart and tears. She is amazed at how fast the years have gone by. Some children and grandchildren near and some far away. She wonders if they remember the family times in the past.
Now there is a special meal during the holidays for her family and then on to her youngest daughter on Christmas day to view the excitement of those two special little ones. Three and six years old is such a special and magical time for them. They run and and hug her and usually say "grandma I love you" sometime during this visit. The sentiment and hug bless her. Guess she misses the hugs of life so much.
She has so much to be thankful for. There is much with some members of family that she wishes was different. They view her as very strong, self sufficient and not needy. She is this and a rich life has been given her. A life of little and a life of much and now a life of desired simplicity. But in these last years the love and the contact with her are the priceless gifts that can be given to her.
So another Christmas Eve and she has thoughts of what her continued journey through this life has to offer.
She smiles to herself for all is well in her heart, mind and soul. What more could you ask for then this.
One wish for all to be together once again on a Christmas morning.
Stacks of cards sent and many letters written as it seemed a special time to get in touch with those who were special. Many of those special ones had not been seen in years but they came to mind at this time of the year. The endless decorating the house inside and out. Special candle light Christmas Eve service at church. The beautiful hymns and the Lords Supper. A special time of reflection into the past, present and future. The children so excited they could hardly sleep and then Christmas morning everyone was up at dawn. Really special if it was snowing.
The excitement of the gifts everyone would receive and she would always receive something so special from the father of her children. Gifts at that time for a lifestyle at a different time in her life. Now her life is so much simpler and that type of gift would have no appeal.
A special big breakfast was made. A southern breakfast. She scrambled a dozen or more eggs, sausage, bacon and ham, biscuits and milk gravy. Usually banana bread or pumpkin bread, a coffee cake and special jams and jelly's that had been made the summer before. Coffee, tea and juice for everyone to help themselves. Oh the smells of Christmas breakfast. Later in the day more family and sometimes some friends of the children would arrive. Then the big dinner of turkey, dressing, scalloped oysters (my son's favorite) several kinds of vegetables (some from the freezer of summer freezing, corn and green beans) and a relish tray filled with stuffed celery. At one time her homemade yeast rolls and sour dough bread. Then on to the desert of jam cake, sour cream pound cake and every one's favorite chocolate fudge cake. Along with tea, coffee, wine and eggnog on a sideboard.
She cannot remember all that was prepared but these she remembers this cold rainy morning.
She remembers the endless pictures being taken and the movie camera that dad used continually.
She remembers with a thankful heart and tears. She is amazed at how fast the years have gone by. Some children and grandchildren near and some far away. She wonders if they remember the family times in the past.
Now there is a special meal during the holidays for her family and then on to her youngest daughter on Christmas day to view the excitement of those two special little ones. Three and six years old is such a special and magical time for them. They run and and hug her and usually say "grandma I love you" sometime during this visit. The sentiment and hug bless her. Guess she misses the hugs of life so much.
She has so much to be thankful for. There is much with some members of family that she wishes was different. They view her as very strong, self sufficient and not needy. She is this and a rich life has been given her. A life of little and a life of much and now a life of desired simplicity. But in these last years the love and the contact with her are the priceless gifts that can be given to her.
So another Christmas Eve and she has thoughts of what her continued journey through this life has to offer.
She smiles to herself for all is well in her heart, mind and soul. What more could you ask for then this.
One wish for all to be together once again on a Christmas morning.
Holidays are indeed a time for reflection. I have been re-living many Christmases in my memory.
It is strange that my childhood and youth were filled with a large family and the planning, preparation and final festivities of the day were so exciting. Now I have no decorations up (due to recovering) and have only my son to celebrate with. The traditional turkey dinner will be replaced with ham and not many side dishes. How many leftovers can one person eat? But I am blessed that he has come to spend the holiday with me.
Time changes everything.
wonderful reflections....
a blessed Christmas to you my friend!
Merry Christmas.
And I know you will enjoy the grandchildren tomorrow.
Why of why all of these reflections. Mind stop it!!. Thank you dear Darlene, Liza and Mim. If it were possible I would gather you in front of my fire and serve you tea and something homemade. A hug before you left.
Picture it in your mind.
Thank you for the times you take to respond.
I like to read these memories you've been sharing.
Just as time spent is like a gift to you, these reflections will be a gift to your family one day.
Off to prepare for our own country breakfast and midday meal tomorrow! Merry Christmas!
Holidays sure have changed as we age, but the memories can keep us warm.
Tabor thank you for checking in.
Yes, holidays have changed. At the moment the way they are is all I can take!!
Merry Christmas!
Glad to see you and hear you! And read your beautiful stories!
It remember me my child ages, when we always awaiting this day and always try to see which gift will have every of us.
I think Christmas feelings you describe are very important, it's like our connection with all our relatives, with all who is in our memory and heart.
Thank you for your words!
Lovely Holiday memories! Thank you to my new friend!
Irena, yes there are a lot of memories that I am documenting for my little 3 and 6 year old.
Lonely Rivers, thank you for visiting me.
i too miss the hugs of life...when I get one I hold on as long as I can...
I went right online looking for a scalloped oyster recipe. I have never had scalloped oysters that I can recall.
Although our daughter was here Christmas Eve and morning, I still long for her presence, but she is grown now and has people to see and places to go. It makes me realize that we should make the most of the time we have together at what ever time in life it may be. She was reading me a relationship quiz which revealed what makes you feel loved. One way people feel loved is to be touched. Now I realize how important touch is to those who live alone. So I have been spreading the hugs around. Hugs(((You)))Hugs I thought my hubby would like approval most of all. Turned out he needs a hug.
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