Books by the old Leather Chair

  • Snow In The Summer
  • My Bible
  • The Power of Silence
  • What Comes Next and to Like It
  • Encore Provence
  • A Year in Provence

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Two down and one more next week

Second shot at 1:30 today and at the moment nowhere near the pain as last week.

I thought knee swollen but it was full of fluid once again and was drained.

Asked "what will make me not have fluid,"  told you will probably always have the fluid
since this is OsteoArthritis.   Hydraulic Acid shot, slow release last about 6 months, fluid will
probably have to be removed every couple of months if causes pain - ans it does.

Nurse daughter told me that Hydraulic Acid is made from Rooster Cones, interesting.

Thankful it is over and Jamie being with me.   Next week will have my special assistant here at home
go with me if she is available.   If not will go,  just me and act grown up.

I no longer  do Facebook, like Instagram and posting old photo's and new ones are taken with my camera

Above image is the ancient one holding Jessica as a baby, my first grandchild who a year ago gave me my first

So happy at the moment no pain like last week from the shot.

"Talk to yourself
like you would talk to someone
you love"

Brene Brown


Mitzi said...

You are amazing! I am so happy for you! You are a fighter and an inspiration to me!Have a very Happy Christmas.

lil red hen said...

I'm so glad the pain is less this time. Merry Christmas, Ernestine!