The first picture is with you and your sister who is my Aunt Bea. The next picture you and dad on your wedding day. You were 17 years old. A child by today's standards. The next picture is my picture with you at the old farm house. It was probably taken about 13 years ago.
So this post is for your grandchildren and great grandchildren. The two little girls of Jamie's...you would have enjoyed them so very much.
A memory recorded this early morning from One Woman on her Journey Through This Life.
Glad to see you are back posting and your mom and you look so close in that photo. I am sure you miss her so much.
Welcome back, Ernestine....that is a beautiful little post about your mother. I am sure that each day she walks with you and is part of everything you do! What a lovely heritage and I understand how you must miss her.
Hope you are beginning to feel much better...
Happy to see you on the WWW....
Hope you are feeling better each day.
Very, very nice, Ernestine. 17, think of it! I'm glad you felt well enough to post, and look forward to more as you feel better and better.
May your memories be rich and your sorrow less of a burden than it was yesterday. Your mother and my father died just a few days separate. How odd. Thank you for posting the lovely photos. Take heart.
Wonderful photos! I still miss my momma too and it's been over 20 years.
I'm so glad to see that you are feeling like posting again. I hope you continue to get better with each passing day.
The photo journey is a wonderful tribute to your mother. You never stop missing your mother no matter how many years go by. I still dream of my mother and she has been dead 44 years.
Glad you are feeling better and are back with us again, Ernestine. My mom is still with us, but I miss my dad so much, and he has been gone for years. A walk along a country road in October, a waterfall, the scent of pipe tobacco - such things bring him back so vividly that I feel as though he is walking along beside me.
Tabor, Marcia, Beverly, Nan, Lilila, Kenju Darlene and Kate
Thank you so much for your comments. You are dream friends.
Life is coming back.
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