Books by the old Leather Chair

  • Snow In The Summer
  • My Bible
  • The Power of Silence
  • What Comes Next and to Like It
  • Encore Provence
  • A Year in Provence

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Special Day - An Extra Post

Special day
I did not know if I could make it to the big city.
But onward -
my youngest granddaughter
had her first piano recital.
She is so good.

Special to me
because when I moved to the country
piano lessons were the only special extra I could give her mom.
A piano was purchased and in her home
 this is the one that Amelia has learned
to play on.

Her older sisters and brother went to very nice private school
in the big city.
Now living in the country with her mom it was the local small country school for her.

Then on to the University of Kentucky
and her first position after graduating was
working for the faculty paper at
Vanderbilt University.

I would say that a country school in her young years
did not in any way keep her from achieving...

4 days after eye surgery (so far not much difference in sight - but told it will happen)  and I willed myself onward for the long drive
to the big city.
No way could I miss this special day.
Such an enjoyable day with a special lunch at the Cottage Tea Room in Belleview.  The food was excellent the
best I have tasted in a long long time.   She Crab Soup and their Chicken Salad was loaded with pecans and cranberries, mile high cake to die for and if I could eat at this restaurant every day I would soon gain the 5 lbs I have recently lost -  then the long drive back to the country.
So happy to be home and see Miss Callie waiting in the driveway for me...

Will have visitors on Mother's Day here in the country.
To  all the Mother's out there reading my rambling
Have a great day....


BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) said...

So glad you came in...we had a lovely lovely day!

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

It was so special, My jamie...

Mrs A said...

It would have been a very special day to you all! Happy Mothers Day to you and your family, love Mrs A

the wild magnolia said...

Pure excitement! How special, how wonderful!

So happy you could make the trip.

Great pictures too!

Good job to the precious granddaughter!

Sallysmom said...

You have a great day too!

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Mrs. A, Sandy and Sallysmom,
thank you
as always...

Judy said...

I so love how she sits so straight, with her hands just perfectly placed. Glad you had the courage to make the trip!!