Books by the old Leather Chair

  • Snow In The Summer
  • My Bible
  • The Power of Silence
  • What Comes Next and to Like It
  • Encore Provence
  • A Year in Provence

Monday, September 3, 2012


Misty rainy day
Simple food on the table
and ice cream sundaes for desert.

Girls running through the wet grass
as Callie follows.  She loves company.

Cups of river glass, turkey feathers
and beautiful leaves collected like treasures
to take back to their home in the city.

Vehicle being loaded for departure.

Little one practices images in yoga books.
In the future
maybe she will be her uncle's assistant
for a retreat in this cottage
when grandma is a part of the woods...


Deborah Carr said...

Lovely images...I can tell you are making exquisite moments of memory in the mind of this beautiful child. And your final words? ...magical. Spirit lingers. I have no special place where my grandma comes to mind, so she visits me on the wings of butterflies and prayers.

Lynn said...

Labor Day was labor here. Isaac took the canvas on the gazebo giving me a brand new look to redesign into a sunny spot for winter. Geraniums and lantana are blooming, four pots of dead stuff turned into two clean pots for mums and two neat hanging birdbaths I saw on Pinterest. Loved your photo and am envious of grandchildren time you had today. Happy evening.

mel said...

Absolutely divine.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Deborah, my fondest memories are of my grandma. She was the best.
Lynn, rain and little girls running in and out. Now cleanup time :) Mel, thank you...

the wild magnolia said...

I do love this, she is the future, and it looks good.

Beverly said...

she reminds me of Lily....the last sentence got to me. I don't know why for sure....but it did.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

I know why
because time is going by so quickly.
I love you special online friend
you were one of the first to
comment to me :)

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Beverly, the above post was to you.
Forgot to put your name.
Forgive me...