Books by the old Leather Chair

  • Snow In The Summer
  • My Bible
  • The Power of Silence
  • What Comes Next and to Like It
  • Encore Provence
  • A Year in Provence

Thursday, April 8, 2010

First Spring In The Woods

It has only been a few days that the ground in the woods was covered with leaves. She now views a carpet of green. Daily walks in the woods and trying to identify the many wild flowers.
A carpet of green plants that look like an umbrella. Plants with the color maroon in the leaves.
A carpet of tiny pink flowers - at first as they popped up in her new garden - she thought they might be some of the seeds she had sown. Now she realizes they are just part of the woods floor. Wonderful ferns and wild violets are everywhere and she wonders if she will discover any special treasure. Since computer is not cooperating - it has been impossible for her to go online and give them a name. Trillium, May Apple, Jack In The Pulpit - are some the the names that come to mind. One of her goals is to be able to correctly identify and name some of these plants.
She needs a good wildflower book to go along with her bird books.

Another desire is to correctly identify the sounds of the birds that she is hearing. This may not become a reality.

While building last Spring she was introduced to a wonderful mushroom and wonders if she can spot them. She still does not feel comfortable having them as part of her dinner.

At dawn yesterday she noticed 7 or 8 Red bud trees in the woods at the side of her home.
She ventured out to tie a orange ribbon on them. Do not want them hurt or cut down as more woods tidying progresses. She only tagged 3 - did not want to venture deeper into the thick woods and possible fall.

She is continuing clearing her woods path. Her special "alone" project and over 100 feet has been cleared. Her rake and blower are her tools. Must be finished soon before the growth on the woods floor becomes to thick. It is enjoyable to her and special markers will be placed along the way.

Computer is still not cooperating. Special soninlaw brought another computer last Sunday and talked to "the company". Seems this expensive air card is running slower then dial up.
More updates to service is scheduled for July - so she will try to patiently wait and see the outcome.

The computer, books, gardening, photography are the main part of this matron's life in the woods. Difficulty in downloading her pictures has caused extra frustration this week.

Allergy rages onward and she continues to visualize the sold sign on the city house.

Some rambling from One Woman this cooler and rainy morning.

Within a very short time she will not venture off the paths in the woods. No ticks, poison ivy or snakes does she want to encounter.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ernestine, Your rain is here this morning so I will take the opportunity to catch up on inside stuff. I am sure your woods is beautiful this time of the year. I love, love, love spring! Hope you get your computer fixed.

MsGraysea said...

The woods are so beautiful and I so love red happy you are marking them. You do, indeed, have May Apples. We had them where I used to live, in a lovely woodland garden and the primroses would come up amidst to light the forest floor.
Enjoy. Sitting on your lovely porch, watching and listening, you will soon know the birdsongs. It doesn't take long if you look up at each call.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Judy and Marcia - thanks for visiting. Cool here today but I have been in the woods continueing to clear my nature path.

Tabor said...

I also think they are may apples and produce some lovely white flowers that the bees just love. They are fairly common here in the moister and more shaded areas of my woods.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Tabor hope you are enjoying the Summer house. I just turned on my heat :)
May Apples they are. Thanks for checking in.

Balisha said...

I was going to say May Apples...but others did. They are so unique. I used to tell the little ones that they were little umbrellas for the garden fairies.

lilalia said...

What lovely photos. What a joy it must be seeing the seasons evolve day by day.

My fancy modem stick has never really done well either. Hope you manage to fix the problem.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Lilalia and Balisha, thank you for visiting. I love the part of the little umbrellas for fairies. Will tell that to my little ones.
I have difficulty times.. of pulling of your sharing. One of the downsides of my moving to the country - the air card. Hopefully it will change.

Deborah Carr said...

Like the Hammerstein lyrics go...
Getting to know you,
Getting to know all about you.
Getting to like you,
Getting to hope you like me.

You're getting to know your special space. Learning the names of those who share it with you.

You're much further long than we are buds, but no greenery yet.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Deborah, you are right on.
As I spend time "observing" the thought - I am new in this territory and everything else has been calling it for home for a long time.