This morning as I type away it is snowing big beautiful flakes and 18 degrees on my deck.
Also, this was another morning of not being able to access what I now deem important in my life - my computer.
I almost had a panic attack.
Computer was back running yesterday after 96 hours of being gone from my world.
Now - I am trying to figure this out.
I have led a super busy life.
Moved back to the country, built a small cottage at the edge of the woods to fulfill my dream of simplicity, gardening, photography, reading, to practice mindfulness, and at times be able to just sit and be.
In my cottage - now 1 year. All has fallen neatly in place. My city home sold last June and I am so very thankful for this miracle in view of what is going on in the world.
I have begun daily to look forward to comments (on what I share) regarding what is going on in my world and on my mind.
There are blogs I read daily and leave a comment. Some I read and do not comment.
I would start naming those who correspond regularly and have become so special - but fear I might leave someone out.
I read the news and the weather.
My children email me on and off during the day instead of using the telephone. I did 98% of my downscaled Christmas shopping online. Any question is immediately answered online.
Such joy is found in downloading an image that was just taken. If it is good, I smile and it is like I have been given a gift.
Confession - for 96 hours I looked at my computer and willed it to come back on :) I wept, walked the floors and was really "sad"
It was ever present on my mind that I moved far away from "help" - from family. But this is where I want to be unless something happens that I cannot live in this world by the woods.
Thoughts - those who have become special to me online - do not know it - do not know how to contact me - I do not know how to contact them - if I enter their mind - some might wonder why I am not writing, they may think I am sick, died or whatever.
Thoughts - what would I do if I did not have a computer in my life at this time - this is a ridiculous statement. I only entered the computer world about 6 years ago. I seemed to be fine without a computer. Answer - I was busy with worldly projects that do not exist at this time.
So - maybe I am not a good computer person. It is evident I have become to attached to this machine that sits on my desk, in front of a window that has a beautiful view of the woods.
Am I - undisciplined, obsessed with this machine and an addict? It seems sometimes I hear it calling for me :)
Some rambling and sharing from One Woman who lives at the edge of the woods and is still trying in her last years to figure out life ........