A light rain is falling in the woods. A welcome time to stay in doors.
A vegetable dinner is simmering and cornbread is in the oven.
Bringing Miss Callie inside I picked these last small roses.
Books are my best companions. They enrich my life, giving me a deeper and broader understanding of the world I live in. I think I will read for as long as my eyes can see. Reading, meditating, walking in the forest, talking with some people sometimes, living a simple and quiet life, that's the way I will live the rest of my life.
Snow In The Summer ..... Sayadaw U Jotika
Sounds cozy, calm, and clear. If only we all would remember to slow down like this.
Dear Mermaid - this post is my ideal. I have strayed far from it the last few weeks and have felt very overwhelmed and weary. I must return to my journey. As always - thank you for visiting.
Fresh flowers, comfort food, and a faithful companion ~ wonders to enjoy and remind us that we have all we need.
Rain ,
in torrents,
some leaves
defiantly facing up,
some weaving
in the wind,
but the Mother Tree
stands erect,
the branches about her....
like an applause
for a fruitful spring,
a bursting
of new life
new hopes,
through the
hard working soil.....
And now,
a learned rain,
having imbibed
lessons from life,
falls noiselessly,
as she
comes in from the garden,
roses in hand,
and breathes in
the enticing aroma
of a baking cornbread,
and garden veggies
cooking up a spicy storm,
their own music
to accompany
the Life Rain
Your mindful living is an inspiration to us all. What you describe of your day-to-day living seems like a form of prayer.
Sharon, yes - that is all we need.
Thank you for visiting.
Ugich, thank you for the lovely and meaningful poem.
Lilalia, oh the words I share and trying so to live up to. It seems more difficult as time goes go.
I have learned that we never arrive.
All - have a day filled with peace.
Rain here too today, but the roses (alas) are lovely companions now past - frost terminated the last buds of the season last week.
Books are piling up on my library table this morning, and I think I shall consider making soup and cornbread. A lovely image, and may your day peaceful and full of good things!
Dear Cate - thank you for visiting.
We just bought a pile of paperbacks the other day for cold day reading. Remember that there are many books on tape (or computer) in libraries when your eyes get weak.
Tabor, So many books I want to read.
Today is the perfect day it is cool, wind blowing my leaves away!!
Everything getting weaker but seems eyes are fine so far :)
What time is dinner? It was sunny here, but, the wind was brisk! Enjoy your evening....
The last rose of summer! I love it when the house is warm, something good is in the oven and I have a good book. They are forcasting light snow for here tomorrow. I am not ready for snow! Have a good weekend.
Dear blof friend, I made your recipe for pumpkin bread, and we all found it very tasty-and it made enough to share, thank you for posting it. And think you for my time of serenity when I visit your blog.
Beverly, Judy and Sally - thank you for visiting. A cold day with a brisk wind. These are the times it is nice to inside!!
The simpler things of life are the ones that give the most pleasure. You inspire people by sharing your enjoyment of them.
Darlene, you comments are always so meaningful to me. Yes, what I write about is mostly a simple way of life. It took me almost a lifetime to get here. Love your new picture :)
I'm with you about books. When I go into someone's house I know they are alive and lively when there are books around. Love the smell of slow-cooked food too.
Freda, I cannot imagine a life without books. Have a good day!!
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