there is no way I can hide my weakness.
Hey, do not want to forget anything.
I have spent the weekend going through a dozen boxes of old photographs, boxes of paperwork and meaningful clippings, cards and on and on.
I have cried and laughed at the memories. I mean really cried. Nice to be One Woman in this home as someone else residing here would think "I had lost it".
I know Fall is here but I could not help sharing this. It might give some fellow garden friends an idea.
I have had this picture in my file for years and I have dreamed of having this in my garden.
Some that came calling through the years said they would make it for me "but I got rid of them to fast".
Several hours later entry. I have an afghan I started about 3 years ago and it is sitting by my chair to finish. Also I have missed reading my books and will start reading again now that cool weather has arrived. In the crock pot a mixture of pinto and white beans that are topped with a handful of chopped carrots, onions and celery (a close friend use to do this) a colander full of turnip greens from my fall garden will be cooked in a short time along with cornbread.
Some more sharing from One Woman on her Journey Through Life
How many pots would it take to make the garden man? It's very clever and a cute garden adornment, but I, too, have better use for the pots and fill them as fast as I get them.
I need to stop adding more cactus and succulents because it's just one more thing to water and cover during a freeze. I get carried away in the spring, then regret it the first cold night. ;)
Ernestine, That garden man is wonderful! I have seen similar ones, but never so large! How fun that would be!
I love the Chinese poem from your previous post. So lovely, quiet and meaningful.
my friend who left us too soon (breast cancer) made a garden man similar to this. hers sat down and was smaller. she sent me the directions years ago. i would enjoy having one in our gardens. i could create him in memory of her. thanks for reminding me!
i have enjoyed reading your journal. a week or so ago i read back into your archives for a couple of hours. i recall your first trip back to the area you left in your move to the city. i understand your being drawn to the rural, wooded quietness in nature. i hope you realize the dream of creating your cottage in the woods. then you will have the best of both worlds - your city life and your solitude.
Darlene, Aisling and Sky, thanks for the comments. Ah yes, the garden man. I smile when I look at this picture. He would surely make a statement in my small garden.
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