Not carried in my womb, but carried in my heart. Mary came into a young woman's life when she was almost 4 years old and during the next 5 years and mom was around 27 years of age there were 3 more children added to our home. It was a difficult time. A young mother with a house full of children and many adjustments that caused a lot of turmoil. My dreams of the ideal marriage never became a reality. Mary was with me for about 15 years.
Mary is a beautiful young woman who lives in upper Michigan with her husband Dan and son William. William is studying engineering.
Mary shares many of my interests. Her love of home, cooking, and gardening. What she has that I do not is the opportunity to share the water. It is a love of mine that is not closely available. At present time she works at a doctors clinic part time.
My son-in-law Dan is multi-talented. Too many to almost share. But do not think there is anything that he can not build. He has designed a number of beautiful log homes and I have several magnificient pen and ink sketches of several of my homes that he did for me. I marvel at the detail in these pictures.
So I am sharing a picture received in the mail this early morning.
Wish I were there.
That is a lovely piece about Mary! What a fortunate young woman she was to have you in her life. It is amazing how people come in to our lives and give us their gifts and how rich they make our journey.
I am sorry to read about Sadie! My thoughts and comfort are coming your way. I've had no computer since the storm came through last Sat and it will be another week.
PEace and comfort to you!
We are meeting your family from your photos and they are a very handsome group. Mary is very pretty and that fish is huge.
Caitlin and Amelia are, as always, so cute. I know they will be a comfort to you in your sadness at Sadie's pending death.
I love the Mary post. How sweet your relationship must be. I think it is funny that your granddaughter opened the screen with the broom. Don't ever under estimate those grandchildren!!
What a great pix of Mary! The two of you were blessed to 'find' each other!
beautiful title picture and beautiful pic of Mary. She's so brave to carry that big fish. I live by the sea and am so scared of touching fish, dead or alive.
Thanks for visiting my blog and posted beautiful words and encouraged me to blog more. Actually there's not much happen in my life and my garden, so I don't have much to blog, unless I blog about my thoughts just like you do. I'm not so good in expressing my deep thoughts yet, but I'll try to blog more.
Anyway, my husband and I are going to Tao Island this weekend. So, I think I'll have something to write with beautiful pictures of the island when I come back.
Have a nice nice day...
I was so happy to read this post. 12,000 miles away in Mumbai India, where we live, I too have a special daughter, and I did her a blog when she turned 21 last year....
My best wishes to you and Mary....
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