Still cannot figure out why I have no birds at feeders.
Or rather some small birds are visiting
but not the large colorful ones of the past years.
I find such joy in seeing and recognizing these
special friends.
Camera is handy
and keep watching to see if a hawk is near by.
When computer is turned on early morning
there are so many emails that unsubscribe is clicked.
Seems I am on a lot of mailing list that I do not want to be on.
Pleased that even though the frost looks like snow in the early morning,
there is still cilantro, chives, dill, parsley, rosemary and sage
and can sprinkle on food at mealtime.
My daughter shared the names my youngest granddaughter told her
were people
that inspired her.
I thought one might be grandma,
not so:)
This is her list...
Albert Einstein
Abraham Lincoln
Amelia Earhart
and Jimmy Buffet
Oh my.....
The thought comes to mind so often
"what would I do without my computer and camera?"
I became acquainted with both of these
past the age of 70.
Wonder if any new surprises will surface?
Another day begins
and the warmth of the sun
will seem like Spring
weather has returned.
No computer, no camera?
I hope you will soon find your birds flocking back. I am feeding mine regularly and they turn up, even those I don’t want.
Ursula, thank you for visiting this early morning :)
I'm up too. It seems like we get up before the sun most mornings.I must be on the same mailing list. If you buy something...they just keep trying to get you to buy more.
I really don't know why your birds aren't coming.Maybe when it gets colder those little fickle friends will flock to your feeders.
We are supposed to have a warmer weekend. I still have a couple of things to bring in from outdoors. Maybe this weekend...if I feel like it.
Well, have a wonderful day doing the things you love.
I'm only seeing cardinals right at dusk. I remember it being like this last year.
Gorgeous pic!
I find so much inspiration in your early morning thoughts. Will the warm and dry days of winter continue? We worry.
Balish and Sallysmom, :)
Mary, you bless me with your comment.
Morning thoughts are very pure before being polluted by the day.
Love yours.
www - oh my
your comment sounds like something my son would say :)
Barns, I love them. I have so many pictures of barns.
This barn and woods are warm and welcoming.
That photo is beautiful.
Several huge pileated woodpeckers used to visit my father's bird feeder and a couple of smaller ones. We missed them when they stopped visiting. No explanation, no forwarding address or even a thank you for all the good meals, just gone. Maybe they moved north.
Jimmy Buffet and Abe on the same list. Now there's a mind joggler. Gotta love kids. It would be interesting to know what she sees in each one.
Nice post to find in the middle of the night. Thanks.
Sandy, :)
Miss Culdesac, visit again :)
Beautiful words....I wonder if something has been sprayed nearby to keep the birds away.
Love wisewebwoman's comment and your morning thoughts are so honest and beautiful. Thank you!
Marcia, thank you...
what a beautiful photograph... the light is magnificent.
Laura, when I looked at the barn,
the way the light and sun was reflecting - I thought can I capture it. Guess I did..
Instead of unsubscribing, just hit the "block sender" button. Any e-mail they send again, will be returned to them.
Remember the old Reader's Digest articles called, "My Most Unforgetable Character"? I always wished I could be that for one of my grandchildren..hasn't happened, so far. lol
Charlotte, Judy, thanks for visiting...
I so love your openness and honesty. Wishing to see your name on a special list...and not seeing it. How often that is--what we expect isn't to be, but, as you so often write, being open to what comes along brings much pleasure and heart-warming surprises. The color of the trees behind the building make a stunning photograph. I'm glad you took up photography!
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