Books by the old Leather Chair

  • Snow In The Summer
  • My Bible
  • The Power of Silence
  • What Comes Next and to Like It
  • Encore Provence
  • A Year in Provence

Thursday, August 24, 2017

The Way It Is


"a diamond is a chunk of coal
that did well under pressure"

New header I took a couple of years ago
saw it looking out the window as I sat in an old chair - rocked my son and youngest daughter  in,
retrieved my camera
and got the shot :)

Another crown came off an hour ago
will be reapplied soon
only have 3 but seems dry mouth and gums (schogrens) contribute to this
do not like this..

Beautiful cooler weather
like 62 degrees this morning
helper a few hours this morning
and washed some windows.

Everything I did in the Fall
in years past
was done in a week
not any more
now takes a month or longer with a little help.
So much I want to go over, organize and clean
hopefully done in October.

Oldest daughter arriving for a couple of days in September
arriving with her my first granddaughter that is expecting her first baby
in December
a boy :)
I want to talk to him
so he knows his great grandmother...

Baked Zucchini bread, 3 loaves, one for me and two in the freezer
hopefully one will remain for daughter - along with blueberry bread and want to
bake pumpkin bread and maybe banana.

When it is cool
I love to bake
what,s different, it takes forever
and a big mess
what use to take  1 1/2 hours
now takes 3 hours or more
also like to iron and upstairs on the loft
ironing board has been brought out of the storage room
and is piled high with ironing.

Also a basket with hand sewing that I do not do well :)
but no one turning up hems to look at my stitches
everything is too long for me...

Oh my mother was a seamstress ( I took her my sewing and have many of her quilts
and each child and grandchild has one)
her mother and grandmother all sewed beautifully
talent not passed on to me
or I think
my daughter's :)

With age everything changes
but not my reading, love my books with a passion
do not want the new thing you sit and read
I want a book I can feel and keep close by
they surround my old chair, on my nightstand, can live without much
but not my books, good home cooked food and my garden to look at and flowere I grow inside
image taken 13 years ago

Life's simple pleasures
are the best....


lil red hen said...

Good evening, Ernestine. I enjoyed reading your post. HUGS !!

PatK said...

As much, being English born, as I love the summer and the fact we have it every year here, I also find refreshment in the change of the seasons. A fond memory is my 4 -year old son bouncing joyfully around in the piled up fallen leaves of a North Carolina Fall. Now in Northern California the fresh cool mornings are lovely after the endless heat of this year's summer months. Sad to feel summer end and winter approach, but these lovely bridge seasons are refreshing.

You remind me every day to appreciate the beauties of now even as we creakily age.

Bluebird49 said...

May be harder, you may be a bit slòw
May be a tad older, but still, you grow.
Two steps forward, three steps back,
With God, food, books, and love,
Keep that ironing on the rack! :)

Just breathe, Ernestine!
Just breathe Him in!


FlowerLady Lorraine said...

So good to see a post from you dear Ernestine. You have inspired me this morning. I also have a stack of ironing to do, just maybe I will do it today.

I love the post by bluebird above. Encouraging.

Love, hugs & prayers ~ FlowerLady

My Journey To Mindfulness said...

Flower Lady, PatK, Bluebird, lil red hen,
Oh, thank you much...

Rebecca said...

Oh, I so agree about "real" books...
And zucchini bread & baking, too.
It was only 48 degrees here (NE Indiana) this morning! Brrrrrr.
I will take it over heat any day, though.
What wonderful visits you have to look forward to!
Have a good Friday AND weekend ♥

Judy said...

I guess I still can't get used to how long it now takes to do chores.
I think of cleaning out and cutting back my perennial garden. I should be doing it now, but the thought of how long it will take and how much my back and shoulder will hurt, makes me a procrastinator. It will get done, but instead of a couple hours, it will take two days. Sigh.

Hill Top Post said...

Ahhh, the joy of gardening. It gives so much (but asks a lot too!) Yes, life's simple pleasures are the best...

Lenora, Scottsdale said...

Good morning Ernestine. Still loving your diary entries. I saw that our Senior Center is offering a class on Blogging in November. I signed up! Don't think I will start a blog now but would like to do so in the future. Looks difficult with photos and all but looking forward to learning something new. I am surrounded by books this week. Reading three at the same time which I usually don't do. William Kent Krueger's latest book is out (I have read 17 in the series). Arrived yesterday from Amazon. One of my favorite authors. Also started "What Comes Next.....". Don't usually read historical books but someone gave me "Sudden Country" by Karen Fisher. 1846 migrants journey from Missouri to Oregon. I will never complain about house chores after reading about living 24/7 in a covered wagon. Cooked half the day yesterday and then ran out of steam. Sausage/peppers and Marinara sauce, chicken ala King, meatloaf....lots of portions for each for the freezer. I continue to be amazed at what I could do five years ago at 70 and how much I have slowed down at 75. Good to read others in the same boat. Spent the afternoon napping with my blind cat Helen (named after Helen Keller by the shelter I adopted her from. A great companion and oh so smart. She shares us with another cat we adopted from the shelter. Also had a chance yesterday to sit out in the patio. Cooling off some at 98 degrees! Hugs to you and Callie. Wishing you a joyous and peaceful day.

Tabor said...

I love reading the printed book, but also my e-reader which makes the text larger as I read in the low light before bed. I rarely sew anymore unless it is something my husband wants mending. I just cannot get motivated. Ironing is mostly a steamer in my closet. It doesn't do as well but is much more efficient. A precious new great grandchild is certainly something to give us all hope!

My Journey To Mindfulness said...

Rebecca, Judy, Tabor, Lenora, Chip Butter
Returned from dentist and on to Nashville, turned on computer
and I smile at comments and emails from children,
I have not been forgotten :)
Weary, need to eat and was so pleased helper took me to a small shop I love in Nashville.
Lenora, my blog (do not like that word :) I call it my online diary and looked up on google (my constant helper)
blog spot and began to write
surprised at the comments I received
and your meals look so good....
and wondered how did they find me ?
and I still wonder :)

Bluebird49 said...

It's like links in a chain, Ernestine...I followed to you first from Judy at Onward and Upward, Ever Forward. The morning after I'd left a bit of bad poetry this past week, I was blog-visited by a new commenter---Flower Lady Lorraine...and so it goes! We find someone who stîrs something in us and we follow that link. I knew I would keep up with you because I admire you and your words. I only read about 6-7 blogs now...I guess we all love you, so you have put up with it! :)