Books by the old Leather Chair

  • Snow In The Summer
  • My Bible
  • The Power of Silence
  • What Comes Next and to Like It
  • Encore Provence
  • A Year in Provence

Friday, August 18, 2017


Morning, as my day begins
On the computer checking to see if there are any emails from my family,
then I check Cate who writes "Beyond The Fields We Know." 
This morning the heading Abundance caught my eye.
After reading her words I knew what my lunch was going to be, no abundant garden for me
like in the past
that I miss.
But a trip to the market was scheduled and in my basket would be mixed greens, fresh tomato's, mozzarella cheese and
fresh artisan bread.   On hand olive oil, olives, avocado and herbs from my garden.  All of this in my bowl,
drizzled with warm olive oil and chunks of the bread I warmed in the olive oil.
So good.
 I always buy the best olive oil, cheese and olives that are at the market.  A treat for me
as I rarely eat out, do some when my son visits from Thailand and at that time enjoy food from
a different country
Miss my garden tremendously and planted a few Fall items in containers handy, next year will
grow tomato's and a few other things.

Hot weather has returned
the few cooler mornings and days
spoiled me.

This Cypress Vine is one the Humming birds love


lil red hen said...

I certainly have missed my garden this summer, but now there are four rows of peas, full of blooms, and, if the deer stay away from them, I should have plenty to freeze. We always can look to tomorrow can't we. :)
I think my mother had a cypress vine at her front porch. Beautiful!

Tabor said...

I planted that vine so many years ago and did not know that hummingbirds liked it. It is easy to grow, so I should try again. Container gardening is an excellent way to garden when you do not need huge crops! You can start lettuce in a few weeks and have fresh greens for fall!

My Journey To Mindfulness said...

Tabor, planted lettuce, turnip greens and onions :) this is easy for me and will do more in the Spring :)
lil red hen, the cypress vine comes up everywhere once it is planted and oh how I remember fresh peas....

Wisewebwoman said...

I have my container garden this year. So much easier to manage. Your lunch looks wonderful. I too love great cheese.


My Journey To Mindfulness said...

www, I knew it :)

Lenora, Scottsdale said...

Hello new friend. Spent most of yesterday and this afternoon reading all your diary entries. I am thinking your diary has started costing me money! Ordered from Amazon the broccoli soup mix you mentioned and also the book, "What Comes Next and How to Like it". Both arriving on Monday, I can't wait. Gardening in the Southwest is different than the east coast where I am originally from. But I do manage to plant Vinca during the hot summer months of Arizona. And will plant petunias and pansies in the winter. Very different from New York. Each year my garden is shrinking as it becomes more work and my bending and kneeling abilities has slowed me down. Use a raised flower bed and lots of pots to keep my flowers going. Lenora

Judy said...

Planning my 2018 garden and instead of planting Morning Glory in the big tub planter--which by the way has never bloomed, will plant a couple of cucumber seeds to climb the trellis. Tomatoes in my other two pots and 6 corn plants in the garden by my shed.

My Journey To Mindfulness said...

Lenora, oh how you make me smile this early morning.
I read my old entries and have the thought
"did I write these words:).
I am now beyond you in years
and you keep moving and doing.
I always have
but have learned to slow down so with some falls over last 4 years.
Lucky nothing broken but took a while to heal.
Judy, will do the same next Spring, we are learning :)

Marcie said...

Love the gardens in a wheelbarrow. Have often thought of doing that, but never have. How fun to see them here!

Your salad, complete with warm crusty bread, looks wonderful! That is just my kind of meal.

So good to read your post on abundance!

My Journey To Mindfulness said...

Marcie, thank you
most of what you share from the farm
is me :)

Tehachap said...

Where can I find the blog, "Beyond the Fields We Know"?

My Journey To Mindfulness said...

tehachap, emailed you
you can find when you ask Google

kerrdelune said...

I so enjoyed reading this, Ernestinen and wish I had been there to share your wonderful lunch, and a cup or two of tea!

joared said...

Salad looks delicious. Cypress Vine is new to me, but if attractive to hummingbirds I may need to plant some. Container gardening is ideal now I think. My whiskey barrels for dwarf citrus were found to harbor termites when we had to dispose of them as trees had been lost a few years earlier due to my absence so no care one hot dry summer before I was able to set up my planned drip system.

My Journey To Mindfulness said...

joared, the wheel barrows were really old and could not get rid of them. In my pile of abandoned item - they were useful and easy for helper to fill.
Had whiskey barrels once but so deep to fill with dirt.
I sent a comment to you
about Nora Jones - head one in her band bought home across the road. An interesting couple, so attractive,
they walk daily, I am usually headed to town, they smile and wave. The way it is now
they are covered with tatoo's :)