Books by the old Leather Chair

  • Snow In The Summer
  • My Bible
  • The Power of Silence
  • What Comes Next and to Like It
  • Encore Provence
  • A Year in Provence

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Computer Problem

I have lost all of my favorite list
where I list blogs
I communicate with.

Worked on it all afternoon.
It restores
and then disappears.

So as I received comments
will reenter.

My daughter's to help
but one coming Saturday
and another one
a week from Sunday.

The computer is my main line of communication
with so many.

Do not like this....


Balisha said...

Here's my comment. I was just finishing for the night. Hope your problems work out easily for you.

lil red hen said...

Computers can be a real pain. And now there's talk of making cars that can drive themselves; what happens if the computer in one of them stops working right in the middle of traffic! Hope you can get it all fixed soon.

Judy said...

I hate these kinds of problems with electronic devices!!! F.R.E.D.'s (Frigging Ridiculous Electronic Devices) sorry, bad language.

Judy said...

WRONG addy

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Oh dear me. I hate computer problems. My husband was a computer geek, I am not.

I will have to remember F.R.E.D.'s, from Judy's comment That's a hoot.

I hope you get things straightened out soon.

Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

Tabor said...

I remember something similar happening to me years ago. It was a blogger glitch and eventually it returned. I guess the best way to keep your links is copy the Blog titles and URLs to a text file. I hope your daughter can help. I know exactly how you feel, as if you have been cast out into the middle of the lake with no one around!

thewiildmagnola said...

this is me, the wild magnolia.

so sorry to hear about your trouble. may you receive the help you need.

Hill Top Post said...

Your previous post really made me think about "appreciating rather than perfecting...." Hope your computer problems are resolved soon.

Kay said...

I really hate it when things like this happen with technology. Thank goodness I have my brother and son-in-law to help. I hope everything works out for you soon.

Beverly said...

Here I am Ernestine....of course, my blog is slow to stopped.... I hang out on facebook..... I always come see you though..

MsGraysea said...

That, in my book, is considered a true disaster. So sorry for all your hassle....hope it can be remedied soon.

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Fixnvibe said...

It sounds frustrating to lose all your saved links and favorite blogs, especially when communication is so reliant on your computer. If the issue persists, perhaps a repair or cleanup might help. FixNVibe Stirling PC and Phone Repair could help get things sorted out for you!