Over what is now
my long lifetime
I always wanted a greenhouse.
A memory of moving to this country location
almost 40 years ago and this thought surfaced continually.
Years ago the local Walmarts was dismantling their greenhouse
and it was a medium size.
Can remember discussions with the store about purchasing
and relocating to my rural property.
This never happened
because I came to realize how much work a greenhouse is.
You need heat in the winter and cooling in the summer.
In my area there are many dairy farms
and I began to associate the dream of my greenhouse
to a dairy farmer - you can never leave either unattended.
Now I look out my window and in the distance see chickens grazing in the yard
of a home I once built. First thought that surfaced was envy and thankfully
came to my senses.
Memories of the chickens my youngest
and I enjoyed years ago - along with ducks, geese, turkeys and other special friends.
This one
it seems
through much of her lifetime
thought there was nothing she could not do.
But think - do not need chickens at this time
as I am doing well to take care of what I have created in this
country environment over the last 4 years.
Yet to show how the mind works
when in the small town the other day
I found myself driving up and down an older part of town
with the thought - wonder if there is a very small home that I could
Yes, my mind is very active has always had a lot of thoughts
but at this time the body can no longer keep up with them.
Thankful I am finally able (most of the time :)
to figure out what is happening
with the mind and its continual busyness.
You cannot delete and just best to let it play
and not try to figure it out.
Change the subject quickly
if you can.
Wonder if the mind and the body were ever
on the same path.
Probably so
many years ago
but not now.
Some reading this
may relate to what I am sharing
and then their may be others
that do not have a clue
of what I am talking about.
Oh, yes, I totally understand. It's hard to let go of the things your mind says you can do but your body won't let you.
I have the clue! Driving around my hometown area yesterday, looking for places for sale. Weird, isn't it? At this age, it is better for me to be in a small home, with hospitals, doctors and ambulances nearby, but....I still want to go home.
Sallysmom and Judy, we are alike :)
I have a clue but I have never been the energizer bunny that you were, so my compromises as I age are more about not seeing as well with my photography and not having enough energy to spend many days with small active grandchildren. I never had your bravery and ability to start a huge project and finish it well. It will work itself out.
I have a clue too. Am learning to do what I can, comfortably, and learning to not stress over what I can't do. I want to live in today, not the past, and to look forward to each new day with joy and thanksgiving.
You are an inspiration to me.
Tabor and Lorene, you are both
so young.
Wait until this Fall
when I share my birthday
and really do not know how
it arrived so quickly.
When I think of it
I know time is running out.
Oh I totally get it. Dreams still alive, I get thrilled even though I know I can't execute, still.....without them we may as well curl up and call the undertaker.
I am limited by not enough money to pay others to make some of them come true. But content with the ones that I can manage :)
with you in spirit. As always.
WWW, all in my life
at this time
is all I can manage.
But a lot dreams
and some came true
and some not
I just love planning and dreaming and it really does not matter :)
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