Books by the old Leather Chair

  • Snow In The Summer
  • My Bible
  • The Power of Silence
  • What Comes Next and to Like It
  • Encore Provence
  • A Year in Provence

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Sound

I still get excited when I hear the sound of the big tractor beginning to prepare field for planting.
As close to this cottage and beside the gravel drive this planting begins.   The least that has
to be cut with a mower is desired.
Sometimes the thought arises
"wonder if I had never left this land?"
There would be much more farming activity going on, but I never would have known
the city life I experienced for a few years.
So this thought is put to rest
and I am thankful for what I could not let go and could return home.

Spring continues to be delightful
even though pollen count is high and a lot of sneezing is happening.
The constant activity lifestyle is changing drastically,
no more wandering deep in the woods with camera in hand
or hours spent riding the tractor, hoeing the vegetable garden
and spreading truck loads of mulch
and I do not like it. 

I wonder if it is like this for others as times goes by.
Sometimes I share with someone and usually told
that they never did what I have found pleasure in.

Those that are similar to this one
have been found with time on the computer.

I also wonder
do health and aging issues just happen overnight
or does it slowly creep up on you
little by little
and you do not notice
the difference that is beginning in your lifestyle.

With now slowing down
I am still constantly told
by those close to me
"you do too much,
take occasional breaks
instead of going constantly."
Please sit down, have a cup of tea or read....

Trying to obey
and learn a new way

because it seems this active mind
is still busy giving instructions
that the body cannot obey...


Tabor said...

You are the energizer bunny so your changes in lifestyle are going to be more noticable to you and others. I think the changes for aging start slowly and we accept them and do not think about it unless we sit back and look back and see the cumulative result. Your patio is delicious and you make me realize I have to get better at working on my containers. Right now it is just pansies and tulips and they will soon be gone.

lejmom said...

I do not recall your age...but I, too, at almost 67, notice that I cannot do (physically) what I used to do. If I am working in the yard, I need to come in after 2 hours or less and cool down and re-hydrate. Not too many years ago, I could go all day...It is very obvious to me--and distressing. My mind says yea---but my body says nay.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Yes, as we grow older we slow down. I have noticed it and I've just recently turned 65. I do what I can, when I can, and stop when my body tells me to, even though I want to keep on working.

Love and hugs to you dear Ernestine ~ FlowerLady

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Tabor, lejmom and Lorraine.
This one at 79 is so much older then you
but seems not as wise...

lil red hen said...

I'm so glad you were able to come back to the woods; it's obvious how much you love it.

I don't want to admit the fact that I get tired more quickly now at age 73, and the thought has been thrown at me, "put me out to pasture". I say, "No way; not just yet!" But I don't know if I can work long hours in the hay field this summer like I have in the past. If I have to do a chore which requires getting down on my knees, I can barely get up now. Makes me angry ~ I'm not ready to be "old"!!

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Charlotte, built this cottage and moved when I was 74 and I am still saying - I am not ready to be old but my body is saying something different :)

Judy said...

It makes me smile at these "young" kids comments. 65? 67? You certainly aren't old. I look back at what I did at that age and what I can do now. In my case, I could do nothing for about 4 years. Now with the two hip replacements, I can once again do quite a lot, but on a smaller scale. I can't work 2 hours at a stretch, but I can work for 45 minutes before I have to take a rest break. I think decline does creep up on us--one reason it is so frustration is, our minds are still fixed somewhere in our 40-50's and we wonder why we still can't do like we did then--at least that's me. Oh well--as long as we are on the topside of the soil--we will keep on keeping on!

MsGraysea said...

Your patio looks so inviting and pretty.....happy to know you are surrounded by such beauty. Callie looks like she's loving life in the sunshine after the long winter.
I am almost 71, working full-time, making quilts, etc, and since I got sick this winter I had been very hard on myself about not doing the things I used to. he pressure I was applying to my soul was really critical and painful. Now in the past week my children have informed me that I must retire and spend the energy on taking better care of my health so that I can enjoy my remaining years. I actually feel the relief now that the decision is made and feel ridiculous for wasting so much energy on worrying about the future. My body gave me a loud and clear message. On to a new life.