Books by the old Leather Chair

  • Snow In The Summer
  • My Bible
  • The Power of Silence
  • What Comes Next and to Like It
  • Encore Provence
  • A Year in Provence

Friday, December 30, 2011

This Year Is Coming To A Close

 This post was written one year ago at this time.   Guess my sentiments and words are the same
Except for the fact holiday time was spent recovering from some kind of virus.   Also 3 days ago a wisdom
tooth was pulled.   I was nervous but it turned out no different then any other tooth that was
pulled.  A sunny and unseasonably warm day and looking forward to energy returning.
In years past my little girls would spend New Years Eve with me.     The youngest has a bad cold so
 mom and dad will be home with them this year.

December 20l0.....
For all who read and sometimes comment on my journal - thank you.

No words can express what it means to this One Woman. You encourage her with your comments. She would start naming names but do not want to leave out anyone. You have become special friends. Writing, camera and computer have become an important link to the world outside of her woods.

A busy year with move to the country, garden, camera, a home sold and adjusting to the beginning of a lifestyle she use to live.

As a journey is shared - for pleasure and family, it may just give some an idea of One Woman's journey through this continuing process of aging. She is well aware that her path is totally different from that of her mother and grandmother's. Yet one trait is evident- they were strong women and she is sometimes referred to the same way.

New Years Eve and day will be spent with two youngest granddaughter's.

In the New Year that is about to begin ...

May you be Happy
May you be Well
May you be Safe
May you be at Peace

Today notice five recurring thoughts that take you away from your life as it is.
Write them down. When you have a chance, burn the paper lovingly, and let those thoughts drift away with the smoke ~~A Year Of Living Your Yoga~~

Judith Hanson Lasater

Monday, December 26, 2011

Special Morning Gift

A special visitor for my son in Bangkok,Thailand.
The young woman who owns and teaches at her
yoga studio in Nashville - is visiting with her family.
Aretha, thank you for the image I found on
my computer early this morning.
Also, that he is happy, well and an excellent teacher...
Wish I was there.....

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

April 2008 - A New Beginning

April in 2008 was the first entry into my journal world.   Had only acquired a computer 2 years before that.
Really did not want one and now I wonder "what would I do without this special friend."  It has brought me so much joy, challenge, a learning experience,  but also some frustrations as I continue to learn.  I realize  I know so little  about this wonderful machine.

I wondered if I would have anything to post.   Looks like with over 800 entries there was no lack for words.
I began writing when I moved from the country to the city.  I shared about this experience and really planned on spending the rest of my days there.  I tried to adjust but my heart was not in it.   I  consider it a gift that I was allowed to return to my heart's home.  My cottage is perfect for One Woman and occasional

 Hopefully this is where
 I will always reside  and someday my ashes will be spread throughout the woods.  Can't think of a more wonderful place to be.

My grandchildren and even children know a little bit more about their mother and grandmother by reading her rambling words.    When we write I believe we share from the heart and use different words then we would use if we were talking face to face.   That is the way it is with me.   I read what I write and sometimes think "did I write that?" 

So many special online friends from many states and other countries - they found me and I found them online and we have shared and responded to one another.

I look back and many who responded almost 4 years ago are still sending me comments.

I wonder sometimes if we met in person would we be as drawn to one another as we are through
our writing?

New goal to not write as much,  I think I have shared most about this One Woman.   Will continue looking for special images to photograph and will be sharing about my gardening   A special poem or book will come to mind.   Maybe there will still be much to share.    I know as I grow older just do not want to begin
repeating myself and for you to witness some of what happens in the aging process.  Then I have the thought that you would see how One Woman continues on through this journey in life.

Christmas Eve, family will be visiting.  Then following week dental work, then appointment with a specialist
that I have been avoiding.   Really do not think I will learn anything different but  have been urged to do this and I will see who is right on this subject.  Surgery is scheduled for 3rd week of January.  Who knows, maybe a miracle and I can postpone.... 

Wishing everyone blessings
during this special Season
The blessings you desire and need.
From my heart I thank you for your friendship

Monday, December 19, 2011

Grandma's Little Girls

We have had our hair cut
Been to grocery
Had lunch

The youngest loves being in
my bedroom and picking up
different memory objects
and asking about them.

She found my basket where
I tuck all cards and pictures

Asked why I had a knife on my desk :)
told her it was a letter opener and
showed her how it works..

A picture taken of me years ago
she tells me "grandma I like that picture"

A special time
I love having them with me

Time goes by so quickly....

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Another December Evening

In a few hours
the arrival of a new day.
Not many left in this year.
Soon a new year will begin
Wonder what it will bring?

Happiness, Health, Safety and Peace
for all....

Friday, December 16, 2011

Potato Soup And Praise Of Craziness

A cold, rainy  and windy day
Feels like it could snow.

On a recent trip to the big city
I stopped in the upscale bake shop
bought my special bread
and noticed their soup for the day
potato with an addition of turnips and mushrooms.
Now I do not usually like any soup but my own
but ordered a cup - it came with a crusty piece of bread.
Oh, it was so good.
So, today at noon I made my potato soup,
was able to find 4 small turnips in the garden
had fresh mushrooms on hand
I made my soup a little different.
It was good.....

~~~~~On cold evenings
my grandmother
with ownership of half her mind...
the other half having flown back to Bohemia..

spread newspapers over the porch floor
so, she said, the garden ants could crawl beneath,
as under a blanket, and keep warm,

and what shall I wish for, for myself,
but, being so struck by the lightning of year,
to be like her with what is left, that loving.

~~In Praise Of Craziness, Of A Certain Kind~~    Mary Oliver

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Protected And Winter Solstice Is Approaching

For some reason this image
gives me a sense of peace
and protection.

The days are so short
the nights so long.
Time is approaching December 22.
Predicted time for days to begin
little by little to be a little longer.
I like the word Winter Solstice...

After many trips to big city for tests,
all involved to check out this container
for my spirit and soul - seems I may need
repair work on area where 2 years ago
 gall bladder surgery was performed.

Very independent, not wanting to be a burden
 and a family that is
super busy but it will come together.

Still not sure if I will have this done.
I will take one day at a time
moment by moment and the answer
will come.

Today I am picking turnip greens for freezer :)

So an interference on my path of simplicity
and mindfulness.

Life is full of surprises, so we need to just
accept them and go on.

As I look at the above image
I can  feel the warmth and security that
that the baby birds feel under the wings
of  one who loves them....

~~He will cover you with his feathers
     He will shield you with his wings
     His faithful promises
     are your armor and  protection~~      Psalms 91:4

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Beauty In The Sky And From The Earth

Picking turnip greens and a couple of turnips for evening meal  on a crisp middle December evening
Looked up at the sky
Went inside for camera
pictures just now downloaded
and not disappointed....

Life is Good.....

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


This afghan was purchased close to 40 years ago.   Bought it when when family lived  in the really big house.
 Fall and Winter it is now on the end of my bed.
Very heavy and if extra warmth is needed it comes in handy

I always have the same thoughts in my mind ......
the needles used to crochet this afghan must have been huge
and I always wonder who made something
I have enjoyed for many years.

Many years ago an elderly lady taught me how to crochet.   Afghan's were made for the children, grandchildren
and a few special people.  Anna Lee is no longer living and what wonderful memories I have of her.  I never left her home without a piece of a plant or something she had cooked.
She did not drive and was always home.  Cooking, gardening and all kinds of beautiful handwork occupied her time.  She taught me  a very simple pattern and I have always wished I had someone
close by to instruct me once again.   I think I have forgotten how to sit and crochet.

There is nothing more peaceful then on a very cold or rainy day to sit by the fire and crochet. Absorbed in the counting process, not another thought would enter my mind.    Not realizing at that time in my life that I was practicing a form of mindfulness. 

Mindfulness now is practiced with an awareness of what I am doing.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Notes On My Desk

I am always copying special words
and putting on my desk by computer.

Glance  at them on and off through the day

This morning I see.....

Breathing in I am aware of my heart
Breathing out I smile to my heart....

I have to eat, drink and work in a way
that preserves my health and well being....

Facing something unknown in the future
I copied this

It is OK to feel what I am feeling
and in this moment I am perfectly safe
I am living in the moment
this precious moment....
(Dear Laura, thank you for these words)

Blessed are the merciful
for they will be shown mercy          Mathew 5:7

Let us be silent, that we may hear
the whispers of the gods  -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

If one's life is simple, contentment has to come.  Simplicity is
extremely important for happiness.  Having few desires,
feeling satisfied with what you have, is very vital - satisfaciton
with just enough food, clothing, and shelter to protect
yourself.  Finally, there is an intense delight in
abandoning faulty states of mind and in cultivating
helpful ones in meditation.      The Dalai Lama

A new book has arrived and sits on my desk
 "Van Gogh The Life"
on a rainy day I will begin to read.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


This post was written a little over a year ago.
Have started burning incense again
and love the smell.
Using healing incense and
am trying something new
a Tibetan Cedarwood Incense.
I now am using an wooden incense holder
instead of using a flower pot filled with sand :)
I loved that blue  flower pot and the bottom fell out .

Many times entering my son's small home there would be the most wonderful fragrance.

In the fall and winter he always burned incense.

This practice began in my home about 4 years ago.

Now that Fall has arrived in the woods - I love the scent of incense burning and find it comforting.

A wood burning fireplace is missed and guess this is something that has a woodsy scent.

Usually purchase a type that claims to have healing qualities and is made by Tibetan monks.

To capture a picture of the smoke rising was challenging.

A cold and very windy day. Some of the leaves surrounding the cottage are blowing away.

Chili on the stove and a new addition was used - my fresh basil.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Shining Through The Trees

So dark here in the country
but the wondrous brightness
of the moon is shining
through the trees.

Made me smile at the
end of a busy day....

Very  aware that
winter solstice is 2 weeks away.

What a welcome to have longer
days begin.

At the moment the days are so short
and nights so long....

Thursday, December 8, 2011

December Sky

Yesterday at 4:30
almost dark
 the wind was blowing
It was bitter cold
But look at the sky.


I receive "Tricycle Daily Dharma" each morning.

An excerpt from one of Jack Kornfield's books "there are two kinds of suffering - the suffering you run away from and follows you everywhere and the suffering you face and truly find liberation."

A busy day ahead and it is too early in the morning for me to give this statement the thought it deserves and to also read several pages about some of the author's books.

Most of us have felt uncomfortable being compassionate with ourselves and dealing with our own hearts with love - and that is where it all begins.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

That Was Then and This Is Now

I just finished ready Billy Graham's new book "Nearing Home"
It shares that his beloved wife Ruth would make the comment
"That was then and this is now"

I read these words
and they sure spoke to my heart.

For One Woman who is in her 3 score ten years.
Now is a good time.

I still smile at some memories that come to mind
but many are becoming more difficult to even remember.

My oldest granddaughter wrote me a note recently that shared
her special  memories of when she would visit the old farm house.
Playing in the orchard, times with Miss Molly my little dog,
riding the tractor, fishing in the pond and she reminded me of the
little bike I bought for her that had streamers hanging down from
the handle bars.

Now different memories are being made for my two youngest
grandchildren.   Times at grandma's walking the paths in the woods.
The fire pit that they like to stand by, running with Miss Callie,
the clocks in every room ticking and their comments that
it is so quiet here in this cottage and so dark at night because
there are no city street lights.  They will remember grandma
living in a cottage at the edge of the woods.

My children have different memories.   The times spent on a
farm where they grew up.  Horses and cows grazing in the fields,
swimming pool and my son's special go cart.

Then the memories of the really big home that was featured
in Southern Living magazine.  The country club dinners, the
trips to Jamaica, private school and all the perks of this
upscale lifestyle.

My older grandchildren  have memories of grandma alone
at an old farm house, homes she built and now recently
to  the country in a cottage at the edge of the woods

What in the world would have happened
without the encouragement from the strong
women in her family - her mother,a special aunt,
 grandmother's and it seems life always brought
a special person along at just the right time.
 Now they are all gone and
may she be as strong as they were and encourage
the generations that are coming behind her.

Wonders never cease - through all the
ups and downs she never gave up and
life continues to unfold.

That was then and this is now.....

~~~~regarding the picture of me and 4 children in the snow
my youngest Jamie - in the picture with me and my two youngest grandchildren
 had not been born as of yet~~~

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A Poem

What I want to know, please, is
what is possible, and what is not.
If it is not, then I am for it.
My heart is out of its flesh-phase.
I am done with all of it, the habits, the patience,
Whoever I was, it is growing hazy and unforgettable.

Whoever I am, it is for mere appearance's sake.
It is for coin, and foolishness,
and I am thinking of something better.

All morning it has been raining.
In the language of the garden, this is happiness.
The tissues perk and shine.

Truly this is the poem worth keeping.
A mossy house anyone with any sense would enter
as soon as the soul begins
to desire the impossible.

I have never felt so young.

~~The Garden~~ by Mary Oliver

It is raining this morning in the woods and her poems never fail to speak to my heart.

May you have a day filled with happiness, health, safety and peace.

From one who lives at the edge of the woods.....

Sunday, December 4, 2011


Waiting for the phone to ring
an email.
That my dear ones are close
to home
I am not good at waiting
while I am typing
a new Email has arrived

What I have been waiting for....

They have landed and close to home

Now I can breathe deeply and smile....


Friday, December 2, 2011

Breathe Deep - Still So Much To Learn

A special brunch this morning.
Do not like leaving the woods for events like this
or really any event.
But this is a special friend who invited me.
I almost felt like the guest of honor as she introduced me
and asked me to give a blessing before our meal.

She also asked me to go in the room where her
husband was in a hospital bed
and pray with him.
I have never seen a room so neat and clean
He was wearing a beautiful red striped shirt.
Not a wrinkle in it.
She told him who I was as she removed the
oxygen from his nose.
He smiled....

It took me a while to calm down from the early morning
event on the way to her home

Driving peacefully down the road
I looked up
A police car was following me
Just thought he was out cruising
until the lights started flashing

I pulled over
heart beating rapidly as I did not
want to arrive late at my destination.

The officer took his time
sitting in his vehicle it seemed like
5 minutes.
Walked over
and I replied "what have I done"
he said the new year car tag was not
on my license plate.

It was purchased just 2 weeks ago
and I put it on my license plate.

Guess some are being stolen as I
 I do not think it could have
fallen off.

So I was told that after I went to
my friend's  to go to local courthouse
and report and secure another one.

I was the last one arriving to the brunch
and I wanted to be first.

It was time consuming to
secure another sticker and
a cost of $16.50.  not much
but the whole situation seemed
to unsettle me.

Guess the One Woman has a
lot to learn about staying calm.

At times like these
I always remember my son's advise.

~Walk slow, breath and smile~~

sometimes it is easier said then done.....

Festive Sage

I still have an abundance of Sage
There is nothing like fresh Sage in your
dressing for Thanksgiving dinner.
Thanks to Sharon
I just found another way to use.
Cream cheese spread thin on plastic wrap
spread with Sage leaves
rolled up, refrigerated and later sliced thin
 for special
crackers or bread.
This looks very festive....

Thursday, December 1, 2011


A much needed journey
for two loved ones.
Thankful for safe flight
Return home
rested and
at peace
Thank you for the image
Send you my love...