She is back in the city today - but her heart is in the country. Grooming of flowers, watering and some sealer on terrace and screen porch.
She is very aware that this city cottage has to pay for the dream that is coming true of returning to the country. She patiently waits for the buyer to arrive. She is aware that the arrival of this buyer will not be on her schedule. But then she has learned that her life has never been on her schedule. She has learned to trust as all will unfold as it is intended. Trusting has not been easy for her but now in her later years, hopefully she has learned.
She enjoys the company of a special Mexican couple who have been helping cut down a lot of small trees in the surrounding woods. The large towering trees seem to stretch their arms as she gives them more room. She welcomes the bowl of green beans, squash and tomatoes that her helpers have been sharing with her. A half a dozen packages have been put in the freezer.
Not much sits on the empty shelves - but it is a beginning.
It is so quiet, peaceful and restful (when not doing yard and work in the woods). There are still odds and ends being finished and the thought comes to mind that when there are no trucks pulling down the long drive - will she be lonesome. She does not think so and she better not be wrong!!!
So, a quick peanut butter sandwich and a coke float, pack some more boxes and load truck with the boxes and some more clothes and she will return to the country. One reason for the trip today was to pack her baking items. She has to bake something sweet weekly. Also it seems there are many items that she wants that seem to be in the city. So the transporting continues.
This weekend she will drive back to the city to take her special son to lunch before he leaves for a short trip to Thailand. She will miss his phone calls.
Enough shared on this very warm and busy day.
She might add that she misses her computer. Hopefully it will soon have a new home.
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be. (was meant to be). Douglas Adams
Your new home is just lovely. With so much to look at (the woods and the critters that live there), your garden growing, and the lush greenery you shouldn't be lonesome. There are always good books to read.
Enjoy the fulfillment of your dream.
It is really beautiful and I love that you are in the woods. I am too, although not as deeply as you.
I have been wondering about you, and knew you must be busy....will you not have a computer in the country???
You are sounding very at home in the country. I'm with you when it comes to realizing the sale of your city home. I believe the perfect buyer is making decisions right now that will end at you and your house.
Enjoy your baking session. Nothing says home like the heady aroma of sweets baking in the oven.
How about burying a statue of St. joseph? I have never done this, but some say it works.
St Joseph statue burial Instructions
* Bury the statue in the yard, the exact location varies, most common is in the front of the house. Favorable spots are either close to the "For Sale" sign or close to the road.
* Either bury it up-side down (most commonly) or bury it upright, both ways facing the house.
* Pray to Saint Joseph when you are burying him and keep praying until the house is sold.
* But the most important part is to have faith all the time, in Yourself, in Your Sale and in Saint Joseph.
* After your house is sold some say you should leave your statue in the ground, while other recommends you to take him with you to your new home and put him in a place of honor.
Anyway...good luck in the selling of your home.It will happen...patience.
You conveyed the peace of your new place beautifully, Ernestine. As I sit here at 6 am with my cup of Earl Grey, I feel as though I have just enjoyed a few moments with you as you work in the woods, sit on the screen porch, and just feel so comfortable. I am so happy for you, and am sure the city house will sell very soon.
Also, how nice to have the gifts of local produce!
Certainly you will be lonely some days when all the hustle and bustle is done, but enjoy that part of living as well! If you find your day is too long you can take a ride into town and visit old friends. I wonder what all the animals are thinking of all your activity.
I can relate to this... moving on... life is fascinating - a new adventure each day, if you want it to be so. I hope you are enjoying all the changes you have decided to go on with.. best wishes.
I have come quietly to your special spot and have drunk deeply of the peace and joy and excitement that nourishes your days in this new phase. What a gift! A gift to you. A gift from God. A gift I share with delight from afar in a weary, weary place. The gift blesses widely.
I played in my gardens yesterday with my children and my husband and even those silly ole chicks -- and it was good. Long ago my children nicknamed me "Merlin-a" as I have youthened with time to be more playful and dreamy than I once was while they all required the necessary "training up." Oh, to shed some of that cumbersome "grown-up" skin and move freely like a child -- now, that's a true blessing only God could effect!
enJOY it, sweet friend!
I delight in coming to see you. It is always so fresh and sweet and HONEST. I know we walk our own unique paths, but sometimes I squint and try to peer farther down the path (especially in the weary times, as of late) and fancy I see the flutter of your skirt as you round the next corner off in the distance. I smile and know that it is all good, despite what I may "feel" at the moment.
Thanks again for encouragement and joy liberally shared as you dance down your journeying pathway. I am blessed. : D
Darlene and Kenju, thanks for checking in. Beverly, have not moved computer as of yet. Limited service in that area. Cloudhands, Balisha and Marcia, thank you for your meaningful comments. Tabor, you are right.
I can hop in my pickup and head for time. The birds are starting to come out of the woods!! Debbie and Phoenix - Your comments touch my heart!!
Tabor - I meant "town"
I think you have ended up where you intended to be, too, Ernestine, and I am so happy for you out there in your special spot in the country. You are already making friends. I don't think you will ever be lonely. Your new home is just beautiful. Enjoy!
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