Books by the old Leather Chair

  • Snow In The Summer
  • My Bible
  • The Power of Silence
  • What Comes Next and to Like It
  • Encore Provence
  • A Year in Provence

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Yesterday A Perfect Day

Yesterday was
a perfect, delightful and Heavenly day
my kind of day
a day at home
old clothes on
camera around neck
clipper and gloves in my pocket
sun is shining, grass is green,
woods look like a rain forest
all is
just absolutely beautiful.

It started with Yoga before dawn
then made a pie before breakfast
Toll House Chocolate Chip Pie
(recipe on Google)
also salmon croquet's to go with
squash from garden
for part of lunch and evening meal
along with green beans in freezer from last summer,
mashed potatoes and corn bread.

The paths in the woods are a delight
to travel on my lawn tractor.
Woods so thick 3 years ago there
was no way to enjoy their beauty.

Everything perfect
except for the uninvited beetles
feasting on my plants.
But this too - will soon pass.

New daylilie blooming and the cottage garden
that was started about 2 years ago is looking pretty good.



sallysmom said...

Yum, that pie looks good! You are so industrious so early in the morning.

Lynn said...

From one cottage in the woods to another in a different locale our days are so similar. Your pie looks delicious. My baking contribution was a zucchini chocolate cake. With an excess of batter there was a second one for the freezer. At the little farmers market, not the big one on the highway, I picked up a mason jar of huge orange dahlias. I asked if she wanted her jar and was told no. I’ll save my empties for her. Even our menu for the day was the same yesterday except you made my mouth water mentioning salmon. Here it was liver and onions. I love your wide woods paths. Your photograph captured just the right shadows. That magic time when you want to hug yourself with joy in just being. Yes it was perfect in every way.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

sallysmom, my high energy time is at dawn until after lunch. Then I slow down - I love the mornings and always in bed very early - no tv for me. Have a good day.
Lynn, where did you come from :) we seem very similar. I have not made liver and onions in ages and I love it. Keep visiting and sharing - have a good day.

Tabor said...

Save a piece of pie for me...I am on my way over.

Anonymous said...

Love your blog. My question might sound bizarre but I was wondering what kind of lawn tractor do you have? I live alone and have acquired an old farmhouse with a few acres and just bought one. I went to the dealer and ordered one and it was delivered. I'm 5'4" and they're designed (the one I have along with the other 8 models that company make) for people 5'6"...I'm 2 inches too short which means I can't bring the clutch/pedal down completely.
I know you've mentioned your tractor a few times and seems to enjoy it.
I hope I will too eventually. I feel a bit intimidated by it.

Thank you,


One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Tabor, if you were here I would make you a whole pie :)
Marie, I have a John Deer and am 5ft 2 and weigh 110 lbs.
This is a lawn tractor and at first I did not have the strenth for the pedals and putting blade on - I was determined and now I am fine as the seat was adjusted.
Email me if you want more information. Did not see an email address on your profile. Visit again.This small tractor is my prize possession - love it...and would not live in these woods cottage without it...

Lonely Rivers said...

Early to bed and early to rise...I can picture you surveying your beautiful property from you lawn tractor! I will be leaving my beloved city apartment at the end of the month to return to my tiny cottage up north..mixed feelings of course. No tractor for me and no woods - just some lovely trees and neighbors who are old friends.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

L/R - it sounds perfect to me if you want this lifestyle - but be sure and visit the city often.
As time goes on do not know what will happen with me.
If I cannot do this - it is either some help here - with a limited budget or a condo with a view of nature.
Now, taking one moment at a time
and enjoying...

lil red hen said...

You've made such a lovely, inviting place in your woods; I can just imagine how relaxing it would be to ride through them.

Did you read the comment I left yesterday about the concoction for getting rid of the beetles? I'd like to know if it really works.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Charlotte, read about it - but do not have an extra sprayer and was afraid it would get in my eyes.
Had 7 dust on hand and spread the dust. Need rain here also..

the wild magnolia said...

i find it so encouraging to read your words, see your woodlands, gaze at your garden, taste you food from afar, share in your special life, and watch you carve out life with your bare hands, big heart, and lust for life.

thank you.