Books by the old Leather Chair

  • Snow In The Summer
  • My Bible
  • The Power of Silence
  • What Comes Next and to Like It
  • Encore Provence
  • A Year in Provence

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Thank You

Short note.
It seems God
is blessing me.

A long way to go
but moving, eating and thankful.

So much we take for granted in life.

My son came from Thailand to be with me
and 5 days after his arrival
his father passed away, heart, very quickly and peacefully,
Funeral, Tuesday morning, many in the family, far and wide will visit me on Wednesday.

Thank you again for the many encouraging and healing words.

Love you
the lady in the woods

Monday, October 8, 2018

So Sorry

I struggle to write.

Thank you, everyone, for your special words, encouragement, and friendship.

A miracle if I bounce back
always believed in miracles
but may not happen

Told last week
my immune system was shutting down

struggling too even move

So many things I believed in my life
not happening

Hospice has been called in

So sorry for my family
and do not want to linger like this

I will say
the mind is still fine.

A lot of help arriving
but never wanted help doing the things I love....