Books by the old Leather Chair

  • Snow In The Summer
  • My Bible
  • The Power of Silence
  • What Comes Next and to Like It
  • Encore Provence
  • A Year in Provence

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Stuffed Pepper For One

I rarely eat meat and for some reason I have been craving a stuffed green pepper.

When my home was filled with family
this was made with the difference of many
green peppers and this was made with one.

Small amount of ground beef cooked on top of stove
then an addition of onions, celery, chopped green pepper and
a little yellow and red pepper that was in the freezer
simmered with an addition of small amount of tomato sauce
or a chopped fresh tomato.

I have discovered the small containers of brown and wild rice
which you microwave (so nice because a full recipe or even half is to much for me at this time)
 This was added to the meat mixture.
Pepper stuffed with mixture and topped with cheese.
Remaining meat, vegetable and rice spooned around the pepper
in the smallest casserole in my possession.
Then this is baked at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes.

So good
and satisfied my yearning for a stuffed pepper.

The additional meat in the freezer and soon will make a small meatloaf...

It is still a challenge to cook from scratch for one when you have been accustomed
over the years of cooking large amounts.

One difference
no challenge to bake sweets for one :)


Balisha said...

Hi Ernestine...It seems that we both had a taste for peppers this week. I make mine pretty much the same way as you.
Today I'm roasting a chicken on one of those gadgets that you set the chicken on to stand upright in the oven. That way the fat from the chicken goes into the little attached pan. You could do a small chicken that way and have several meals from it.
I have no problem with finding desserts for you I think I might have a sweet tooth :)
How is your garden growing?
I hope that things are good for you now that you have had your surgery.
Take care, Balisha

Marion said...

Wonderful post! The only way I like Belpeppers is stuffed. I'm reminded of a poem I read & posted on my blog way back in June, 2010. (There's a poem for everything, right?) Check it out:

How to Stuff a Pepper
by Nancy Willard

Now, said the cook, I will teach you
how to stuff a pepper with rice.

Take your pepper green, and gently,
for peppers are shy. No matter which side
you approach, it's always the backside.
Perched on her green buttocks, the pepper sleeps.
In its silk tights, it dreams
of somersaults and parsley,
of the days when the sexes were one.

Slash open the sleeve
as if you were cutting into a paper lantern,
and enter a moon, spilled like a melon,
a fever of pearls,
a conversation of glaciers.
It is a temple built to the worship
of morning light.

I have sat under the great globe
of seeds on the roof of that chamber,
too dazzled to gather the taste I came for.
I have taken the pepper in hand,
smooth and blind, a runt in the rich
evolution of roses and ferns.
You say I have not yet taught you

to stuff a pepper?
Cooking takes time.

Next time we'll consider the rice.

From: "Cries of the Spirit, A Celebration of Women's Spirituality" edited by Marilyn Sewell, Pages 202, 203

Wisewebwoman said...

I'd forgotten about when I would cook these. They don't freeze that well unfortunately.

I love those stuffed beefsteak tomatoes, too, stuffed with breadcrumbs and onions and grated swiss cheese and thyme. Have to be local beefsteaks though. full of flavour.


Lonely Rivers said...

Yum. Your food posts-always make me hungry. Also, you inspire me to set a pretty table just for me.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Balisha, doing fine
Marion, thank you for visiting
WWW, thank you for the idea
never thought of this and sounds so good.
LR, thank you..if I do this it
seems a little more uplifting to this solo lifestyle :)