Books by the old Leather Chair

  • Snow In The Summer
  • My Bible
  • The Power of Silence
  • What Comes Next and to Like It
  • Encore Provence
  • A Year in Provence

Monday, October 9, 2017

On This Day

On this day I was born in my grandmother's bed to my 18 year old mother.
Not quite 5 lbs and my mother told me she embroidered E's on my gowns.  Wish she had saved me one:)   My mother came down with scarlet fever and this one with double pnemonia - a difficult time.
No baby pictures and do not remember having a doll.  That's alright as it was difficult times for them.

A clear, cloudy and warm in the 80's day.

a man who helped me wash window's 35 years go, named Bill, talented at carving and did this
for me.  I wanted him to carve inside a tree for me but he disappeared.  Basil is thriving and
the scent is wonderful in the kitchen.

Some of my girls will arrive soon and happy for this
Candles are burning along with healing incense and time for the mat and then breakfast.

Spotted a red fox in the yard 2 days ago.
could not find my camera quick enough (image from google)
but this looks just like him or her....


kerrdelune said...

So loved sharing this with you. It is Thanksgiving Day here in Canada and my kitchen smells wonderful!

My Journey To Mindfulness said...

Kate, always so honored when you comment, you are a busy one with healing, camera and wonderful words you share,
Thank you, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving, the aroma is drifting here....

Ruth's Waterview said...

Happy Birthday Ernestine!
Thank you for sharing your life's journey. I read all that you write. Enjoy everything. Worry about you when you don't post for a while. I am one of many who read but don't post. Will try to do better!
Ruth M.

My Journey To Mindfulness said...

Ruth, thank you for letting me know
you are following this one.

Rebecca said...

Happy Birthday, Ernestine!
(Wishing I could smell the basil, candles and healing incense...)

lil red hen said...

Thinking of you today...
That was a tough start for such a little one!
I had scarlet fever; it's one of my first memories. Mama said she was afraid I was going to die and I had to learn to walk again. We've come a long way haven't we?

Hill Top Post said...

Happy Birthday, Ernestine! Your kitchen is so lovely; I can imagine the aroma is heavenly. It always excites me to see a pretty little fox, my favorite of the wild critters around here.

My Journey To Mindfulness said...

Rebecca. Charlotte and Chip Butter, Thank you for your kind words...

Tabor said...

I do love this post and the photos. You are at a nice time right now. Happy Birthday. We all have interesting starts in our life and it makes me sad that people will not know that carving was a special person in your life. Oh well, that is the way of things.

My Journey To Mindfulness said...

Tabor, thank you, enjoy your new trip..

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Bless you Rebecca, thank you for tape and small cross...

Pienosole said...

Happy Belated Birthday! Hope your day was a joyful one. I love the Rumi quote as well as the photo of the candles. Big hugs and best wishes to you! :-)

My Journey To Mindfulness said...

Pienosole, thank you...enjoyed a daughter and grand daughters - they are returning
with friends this Friday ")

Wisewebwoman said...

Happy birthday my friend. I remember the story of your birth and your mother only a child herself. Enjoy your girls.


Marcie said...

Happy birthday! Love the habd-embroidered E's. How sweet. I can smell the basil as I read your post. Hope your day and this year ahead are as beautiful as you are!