Words received from over the ocean
in the mail.
Always so welcome...
"I cannot change the world...
but I can watch. If I am wise
I will just watch without
getting upset about anybody or anything.
Who am I to carry the world on my shoulders?"
Sayadaw U Jotika "Snow in the Summer"
My heart repeats
a silent "thank you."
These words seemed to be
just what his mama needed
now she needs to remember...
Books by the old Leather Chair
- Snow In The Summer
- My Bible
- The Power of Silence
- What Comes Next and to Like It
- Encore Provence
- A Year in Provence
Monday, September 28, 2015
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Very Early
Always early every week and every other week she arrives and brings fresh eggs. This morning some small pumpkins I requested and this one placed them about - looks like Fall.
She is so busy with a business of handmade soap and now body butter
All kind of animals on her family farm, my little granddaughter's love to see her baby goats
and chickens. Her sons have a huge pumpkin patch and never before have I seen so many
unusual shapes. She is retired from working from the local newspaper and Lana is very special
to me - look forward to her weekly visit more then she will ever know....
A thank you and a hug goes out to you special girl from the one who lives by the edge of the woods.
All kind of animals on her family farm, my little granddaughter's love to see her baby goats
and chickens. Her sons have a huge pumpkin patch and never before have I seen so many
unusual shapes. She is retired from working from the local newspaper and Lana is very special
to me - look forward to her weekly visit more then she will ever know....
A thank you and a hug goes out to you special girl from the one who lives by the edge of the woods.
Monday, September 21, 2015
Could Anything Be Better On This Cool Day
Last night put a mixture of Pinto beans and White beans on to soak.
5:00 this morning they were rinsed and put low to cook.
Wanted to use my ancient small crock pot but could not reach on high shelf.
About 10:00 added a handful of chopped ham, a chopped potato, couple of chopped carrots
and chopped onion. At 1:00 made 1/2 recipe of my cornbread.
Second meal at 2:00, so good with ice tea and milk and one of my special cookies.
I am set for the day.
This is the way you eat in the country at the edge of the woods.
I tell my family
always remember
that I write from my heart and mind
which are fine
and not from this pain filled body....
5:00 this morning they were rinsed and put low to cook.
Wanted to use my ancient small crock pot but could not reach on high shelf.
About 10:00 added a handful of chopped ham, a chopped potato, couple of chopped carrots
and chopped onion. At 1:00 made 1/2 recipe of my cornbread.
Second meal at 2:00, so good with ice tea and milk and one of my special cookies.
I am set for the day.
This is the way you eat in the country at the edge of the woods.
I tell my family
always remember
that I write from my heart and mind
which are fine
and not from this pain filled body....
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Morning Baking
Now I forgot how many cookies this recipe made.
A favorite not made for months
and do not like store bought cookies and nothing sweet in freezer.
They are so good....
Sour Cream Chocolate Chip Cookies
Freezing half of them for when family makes a visit.
Another recipe from Nan at http://lettersfromahillfarm.blogspot.com/
could post recipe
but morning going by quickly
and need to clean the kitchen...
A favorite not made for months
and do not like store bought cookies and nothing sweet in freezer.
They are so good....
Sour Cream Chocolate Chip Cookies
Freezing half of them for when family makes a visit.
Another recipe from Nan at http://lettersfromahillfarm.blogspot.com/
could post recipe
but morning going by quickly
and need to clean the kitchen...
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Morning By The Woods
Sharing some images
just returned from trip to market
and this caught my eye. So unusal, on sale for $3.99, could not resist, added to my orchids and
will later read the phamplet telling about this orchid called the "Lady Slipper."
I have never seen anything like this and when I was checking out the people in front of me
noticed and said they were going go buy one.
Noticed a spider on screen door early morning, and when light was right saw the beautiful web.
An image, wish it was better
He is not too pretty
but sure hate to knock him off of the screen after all of this work
Time for lunch...
just returned from trip to market
and this caught my eye. So unusal, on sale for $3.99, could not resist, added to my orchids and
will later read the phamplet telling about this orchid called the "Lady Slipper."
I have never seen anything like this and when I was checking out the people in front of me
noticed and said they were going go buy one.
Noticed a spider on screen door early morning, and when light was right saw the beautiful web.
An image, wish it was better
He is not too pretty
but sure hate to knock him off of the screen after all of this work
Time for lunch...
Friday, September 18, 2015
A Very Special and Big Day Over The Ocean
Received an email from my son in June.
A workshop in Thailand
where he and 7 other students would be observed in a very difficult all day test and assessed by teachers flown
in from Macau and Malysia as he could not be assessed by his own teacher.
Poses for 3 hours then a break, then observed by teaching a class.
He made it and now certified Iyengar yoga teacher will receive his certificate from the Iyengar Institue in Punea, India
signed by Geeta Iyenger the late bKS Iyengar's daughter.
His certificate arrived yesterday :)
Unless you are familar with Iyengars Yoga
you will not understand what an accomplishment this was.
My son has been practicing for over 20 years and teaching for years.
A workshop in Thailand
where he and 7 other students would be observed in a very difficult all day test and assessed by teachers flown
in from Macau and Malysia as he could not be assessed by his own teacher.
Poses for 3 hours then a break, then observed by teaching a class.
He made it and now certified Iyengar yoga teacher will receive his certificate from the Iyengar Institue in Punea, India
signed by Geeta Iyenger the late bKS Iyengar's daughter.
His certificate arrived yesterday :)
Unless you are familar with Iyengars Yoga
you will not understand what an accomplishment this was.
My son has been practicing for over 20 years and teaching for years.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Weather Amazing
After a usual morning of busyness
I sit outside by the fire pit,
the weather continues to be cool mornings and delightful afternoons.
Just enough rain fell last week
and it seems everything has once again turned into beauty.
The warmth of the sun comes through the trees
and this one looks up into the sky through the towering trees,
across this land and these eyes see beauty.
My mind and heart are repeating prayers of thankfulness that I was allowed to return
to this land. Quiet, can hear birds and thoughts continue that at this moment this must be the most peaceful
place on earth.
Moved an ancient statue from the middle of an old birdbath to the new huge tree stump.
I think she looks at home.
A good day
with 2 making a visit.
My weekly friend who picks up the paper at 7:30 AM and another one came at noon and sat outside with me.
Their visits so appreciated.
My day is ending...
I sit outside by the fire pit,
the weather continues to be cool mornings and delightful afternoons.
Just enough rain fell last week
and it seems everything has once again turned into beauty.
The warmth of the sun comes through the trees
and this one looks up into the sky through the towering trees,
across this land and these eyes see beauty.
My mind and heart are repeating prayers of thankfulness that I was allowed to return
to this land. Quiet, can hear birds and thoughts continue that at this moment this must be the most peaceful
place on earth.
Moved an ancient statue from the middle of an old birdbath to the new huge tree stump.
I think she looks at home.
A good day
with 2 making a visit.
My weekly friend who picks up the paper at 7:30 AM and another one came at noon and sat outside with me.
Their visits so appreciated.
My day is ending...
Monday, September 14, 2015
Welcome Sight
In the old pickup
driving down the long gravel drive
on Sunday morning at 6:30 AM
to pick up New York Times and Nashville Tennesean
and this is what I see across the road.
Now this pond years ago was just a field.
Peaceful sight
many Canadian Geese
and pleased my usual companion
the camera
was with me...
This morning 45degrees and a incense burning kind of morning.
(pleased me on recent visit my youngest granddaughter found my supply of incense and burner
and asked "grandma can I burn some)
The cranberry cream cheese muffins so good and texture is better
if you do not warm and I put melted butter on them.
Might mention I baked 5 to 8 minutes longer then the 25 minutes suggested.
Little Callie will soon be 7 years old. A dog I rescued 6 years ago. She hardly
lets me out of her sight, I wondered years ago if I would keep her and now I wonder
what would I do without her
Day continued with trip to market ( no cranberries have arrived yet and I only have a 1/2 bag left
in the freezer), just finished taking 5 bags of trash to convenience center.
Now this one is going to warm organic pumpkin soup (hope I like it as I usually make from scratch)
and melted cheese on Naan bread with mixed greens and tomato.
My day has ended...
driving down the long gravel drive
on Sunday morning at 6:30 AM
to pick up New York Times and Nashville Tennesean
and this is what I see across the road.
Now this pond years ago was just a field.
Peaceful sight
many Canadian Geese
and pleased my usual companion
the camera
was with me...
This morning 45degrees and a incense burning kind of morning.
(pleased me on recent visit my youngest granddaughter found my supply of incense and burner
and asked "grandma can I burn some)
The cranberry cream cheese muffins so good and texture is better
if you do not warm and I put melted butter on them.
Might mention I baked 5 to 8 minutes longer then the 25 minutes suggested.
Little Callie will soon be 7 years old. A dog I rescued 6 years ago. She hardly
lets me out of her sight, I wondered years ago if I would keep her and now I wonder
what would I do without her
Day continued with trip to market ( no cranberries have arrived yet and I only have a 1/2 bag left
in the freezer), just finished taking 5 bags of trash to convenience center.
Now this one is going to warm organic pumpkin soup (hope I like it as I usually make from scratch)
and melted cheese on Naan bread with mixed greens and tomato.
My day has ended...
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Yesterday Was A Cranberry Morning
Made cranberry cream cheese muffins - early morning, using Nan's recipe. Have used many of her cookie recipes and always so good. So good but I did use a glaze of fresh orange juice and a little confectionery sugar since cranberries are tart, pleased I did. Posted on Saturday, September 5, 2015.
Did some research as I had forgotten how good cranberries are for you and this one needs all
the good food she can consume...
In the burning pile I saw this
interesting an image on the a piece of wood from a small tree that was cut down
I place it on a section of the big tree removed, told the tree cutter to roll it over by
some chairs to use for a small table.
A neighbor stopped by and counted the rings on my tree and said it was 55 years old.
So sorry it had to be cut down but will surely feel safer during storms.
Enough shared
end of my day
very weary
and just wish I did not have the pain that is continual and balance issue.
Cannot tolerate any pain medication and just trying to be ever careful with this balance issue.
Sunday morning and 45 degrees in the country,
a beautiful sunny and warmer week expected...

Soon breakfast of waffle with more cranberries sliced banana and green tea.
several hours after breakfast ate 2 of the muffins with a glass of milk
so good....
Did some research as I had forgotten how good cranberries are for you and this one needs all
the good food she can consume...
In the burning pile I saw this
interesting an image on the a piece of wood from a small tree that was cut down
I place it on a section of the big tree removed, told the tree cutter to roll it over by
some chairs to use for a small table.
A neighbor stopped by and counted the rings on my tree and said it was 55 years old.
So sorry it had to be cut down but will surely feel safer during storms.
Enough shared
end of my day
very weary
and just wish I did not have the pain that is continual and balance issue.
Cannot tolerate any pain medication and just trying to be ever careful with this balance issue.
Sunday morning and 45 degrees in the country,
a beautiful sunny and warmer week expected...
Saturday, September 12, 2015
When building this smaller home 6 years ago, I did not like the fact that a dozer scrapped the side of a
beautiful tree next to this future home.
Nothing was said to me but I noticed the black paint sprayed on the side, guess they hoped I
would not notice.
When there are storms or high winds all of the tall trees surrounding this home sway and this one leaning towards
my home makes me uncomfortable.
Finally decided to not wait any longer and tree cutters arrived at 7:30 in the morning
with all the equipment to take this probably 80 foot high tree down. This was such a project
since tree next to drive, about 25 feet from home and such a small area to work in. They were successful
in taking it down in sections. Costly and I had a bid from one just beginning but he did not
have the proper equipment to do this so went with the experienced one.
beautiful tree next to this future home.
Nothing was said to me but I noticed the black paint sprayed on the side, guess they hoped I
would not notice.
When there are storms or high winds all of the tall trees surrounding this home sway and this one leaning towards
my home makes me uncomfortable.
Finally decided to not wait any longer and tree cutters arrived at 7:30 in the morning
with all the equipment to take this probably 80 foot high tree down. This was such a project
since tree next to drive, about 25 feet from home and such a small area to work in. They were successful
in taking it down in sections. Costly and I had a bid from one just beginning but he did not
have the proper equipment to do this so went with the experienced one.
Now that all has been cleaned up, leaving me about a rick of wonderful
Oak to age and will be great when used in the burning pit ( I might add I miss
my wood burning stove and fireplaces of the past so much)
The tree in good shape but the bottom was rotting because of the damage.
I am relieved that this is over. Do believe a little more sun will be able to shine
on my smaller garden.
While they were finishing up I had them put the lawn tractor's blade on (something I can
no longer do). Wanted to blow some leaves and sawdust from tree cutting off of the lawn.
I love this machine and smile as I remember the young man saying
you be careful when using this and I no longer do this unless someone
is on the property.
Read this somewhere and the words are on my desk
Though no one can go back and make a new start,
anyone can start from now and make a brand new beginning.....
A delightful early morning, still dark, in the 50,s and this will continue
during the next week.
I love early mornings, probably most people are sleeping, I know my children are except son in Thailand. I plan on baking a new recipe
of Cranberry muffins, still have a package of cranberries in the freezer and when
they arrive in stores need to buy a number of bags. I use them on yogurt, waffles, in my smoothies,
pumpkin bread and in a blueberry bread recipe.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Beauty and the Beast
After 3 weeks of not a drop of rain,
leaves falling and most of my garden is finished,
wonderful rain started falling yesterday evening.
I walk outside
looking for anything of beauty
Looking at these images my camera has taken
I have the thought that I need to look at these images
rather then with my eyes for there is still some beauty in my surroundings.
My wonderful turnip greens are gone...prayer flages in shreds and on the ground
so turkeys and deer have made a nighttime visit :(
2 daughter's and granddaughter's visiting over the last weekend brought me joy.
The week before a horror with a bladder infection, fever, weakness and drove myself to
ER. Scolded as they helped me out of my car and put me in a wheelchair,
why did I drive myself. The answer is I did not want an ambulance, cab and did not
want to bother anyone. All turned out well, infection gone along with fever, blood work
and the usual "you are in good shape, heart fine, a little anemic and eat good but very little
meat which I may add once a week. Also a allergic reaction from Cipro and my arms were
covered with purple spots. My Beth arrived and brought me home and friend brought my
car home the next day.
I am always asked by a daughter's and at the hospital "why are you so anxious" well who would
not be or maybe I am unusual as it really makes me panic going someplace where I have no control.
As time is going by and always accustomed to being in control of my life I realize more and more
that control is an issue with me and it may not change...I seem to give instructions to the doctors and nurses and I smile as they obeyed my requests and answer my questions.
So back to my normal self at this time of life, busy, trying to eat well, do less (but so much to do), enjoy these last years,
trying to accept the arthritis pain with thankfulness and try to accept I can no longer do some things
that I did last year and the years before.
So many blessings and try to focus on them...
leaves falling and most of my garden is finished,
wonderful rain started falling yesterday evening.
I walk outside
looking for anything of beauty
Looking at these images my camera has taken
I have the thought that I need to look at these images
rather then with my eyes for there is still some beauty in my surroundings.
My wonderful turnip greens are gone...prayer flages in shreds and on the ground
so turkeys and deer have made a nighttime visit :(
2 daughter's and granddaughter's visiting over the last weekend brought me joy.
The week before a horror with a bladder infection, fever, weakness and drove myself to
ER. Scolded as they helped me out of my car and put me in a wheelchair,
why did I drive myself. The answer is I did not want an ambulance, cab and did not
want to bother anyone. All turned out well, infection gone along with fever, blood work
and the usual "you are in good shape, heart fine, a little anemic and eat good but very little
meat which I may add once a week. Also a allergic reaction from Cipro and my arms were
covered with purple spots. My Beth arrived and brought me home and friend brought my
car home the next day.
I am always asked by a daughter's and at the hospital "why are you so anxious" well who would
not be or maybe I am unusual as it really makes me panic going someplace where I have no control.
As time is going by and always accustomed to being in control of my life I realize more and more
that control is an issue with me and it may not change...I seem to give instructions to the doctors and nurses and I smile as they obeyed my requests and answer my questions.
So back to my normal self at this time of life, busy, trying to eat well, do less (but so much to do), enjoy these last years,
trying to accept the arthritis pain with thankfulness and try to accept I can no longer do some things
that I did last year and the years before.
So many blessings and try to focus on them...
Friday, September 4, 2015
Received an email several times and just ignored.
Arrived again and it stated they would ask one more time.
I responded to their request.
A University was obtaining information on people who wrote online over 65, this information
may be used in the future in a special presentation.
I was asked to be a part of this study and hey wanted to interview me, ask some questions, could refuse any questions
and interview would go on, I could stop anytime and I went foreword.
Before beginning asked my writer daughter "should I do this" and she responded
"yes" that it would be interesting and good for me...
I did fine it interesting and was interviewed for an hour by phone, asked a number of questions and here are a few.
When I started, she found it interesting that I obtained a computer at age 70, mostly
taught myself with a number of questions I bothered my daughter with. At this same time
bought a printer and camera which I use online. Always one who kept journals and enjoyed
writing special thoughts so when I look back this was just continuing what I had always enjoyed doing but now with a computer.
The first blog I read was my daughter's, http://blondemomblog.com/
Jamie, shared that an online friend reminded her of me, I began reading this blog and
sharing. Liza in Hawaii began to encourage me to write online, began writing and immediately
surprised at the number of people who responded.
Why did I do this, answered it was shared in my profile, for my grandchildren and children
to share genealogy, recipes, pictures, stories of past and present, did not want this information lost they might know me better
and more about me. Have found it interesting that occasionally a grandchild will comment
that they did not know what I was sharing and they found it interesting.
Wanted to know how I found people who commented, I shared they just seemed to appear and I
discovered many from reading other blogs and interesting people who commented on their sites.
Did I find any comments to me unsettling, answered no and that I had met the most interesting
and kind souls :)
Do I plan my entries, 99% never, just seem a thought arises and I sit down at the computer
and my fingers take over....Also my camera is with me most of the time and living surrounded
by nature there is always something that catches my eye.
Also another question "in what other ways did I use my computer" really limited when you
realize the many many options you have, but I only use for
emails daily and my children, grandchildren and I have continual contact this way, what would
I do without Amazon and google :) my computer is so important to me. One saves me time and such a convenience to one who lives
in the country and the other is like a continual education as it answers my ongoing questions, also what other type of communication devices did I use - only my $16.95 cell phone, which is only used when in yard or vehicle with purchased minutes (no phone bill) and a simple land line phone in home. None of the other devices that all in my family, including young grandchildren seem to use.
Interview continued with many questions and I also shared that when I started sharing online that
did not want to embarrass my professional children in any way and tried to be careful what
I shared and would not discuss any controversial subjects. Also asked my writer daughter years ago would she edit what I wrote and she replied "no way, these are your words." I still smile when I think of her reply. Also usually do not proof read and probably should when I notice the mistakes :)
Also went on to say that I had thoughts of no longer sharing because I feel all has been shared
and did not want to evolve into a health and aging blog :)
I would like to put my blogs in a book form, would take several books and just have not
had the time or energy to do this. Have asked my daughter to help me but everyone is
so busy....In the future when I am no longer here there may be no one in the family interested and there might be a grandchild
who finds something interesting....
Enjoyed this interview and who knows it may be used in presentations at some time. If it is
I requested they send me a copy of my responses.
Asked how they found me and said some of my comments had been noticed on a special site.
Interesting as you never know who is reading about you.
This one can hardly believe she has been sharing her thoughts online for almost 8 years
entries numbered at over 1400. At one time wondered what I would write about
and seems I never run out of thoughts or words....
Arrived again and it stated they would ask one more time.
I responded to their request.
A University was obtaining information on people who wrote online over 65, this information
may be used in the future in a special presentation.
I was asked to be a part of this study and hey wanted to interview me, ask some questions, could refuse any questions
and interview would go on, I could stop anytime and I went foreword.
Before beginning asked my writer daughter "should I do this" and she responded
"yes" that it would be interesting and good for me...
I did fine it interesting and was interviewed for an hour by phone, asked a number of questions and here are a few.
When I started, she found it interesting that I obtained a computer at age 70, mostly
taught myself with a number of questions I bothered my daughter with. At this same time
bought a printer and camera which I use online. Always one who kept journals and enjoyed
writing special thoughts so when I look back this was just continuing what I had always enjoyed doing but now with a computer.
The first blog I read was my daughter's, http://blondemomblog.com/
Jamie, shared that an online friend reminded her of me, I began reading this blog and
sharing. Liza in Hawaii began to encourage me to write online, began writing and immediately
surprised at the number of people who responded.
Why did I do this, answered it was shared in my profile, for my grandchildren and children
to share genealogy, recipes, pictures, stories of past and present, did not want this information lost they might know me better
and more about me. Have found it interesting that occasionally a grandchild will comment
that they did not know what I was sharing and they found it interesting.
Wanted to know how I found people who commented, I shared they just seemed to appear and I
discovered many from reading other blogs and interesting people who commented on their sites.
Did I find any comments to me unsettling, answered no and that I had met the most interesting
and kind souls :)
Do I plan my entries, 99% never, just seem a thought arises and I sit down at the computer
and my fingers take over....Also my camera is with me most of the time and living surrounded
by nature there is always something that catches my eye.
Also another question "in what other ways did I use my computer" really limited when you
realize the many many options you have, but I only use for
emails daily and my children, grandchildren and I have continual contact this way, what would
I do without Amazon and google :) my computer is so important to me. One saves me time and such a convenience to one who lives
in the country and the other is like a continual education as it answers my ongoing questions, also what other type of communication devices did I use - only my $16.95 cell phone, which is only used when in yard or vehicle with purchased minutes (no phone bill) and a simple land line phone in home. None of the other devices that all in my family, including young grandchildren seem to use.
Interview continued with many questions and I also shared that when I started sharing online that
did not want to embarrass my professional children in any way and tried to be careful what
I shared and would not discuss any controversial subjects. Also asked my writer daughter years ago would she edit what I wrote and she replied "no way, these are your words." I still smile when I think of her reply. Also usually do not proof read and probably should when I notice the mistakes :)
Also went on to say that I had thoughts of no longer sharing because I feel all has been shared
and did not want to evolve into a health and aging blog :)
I would like to put my blogs in a book form, would take several books and just have not
had the time or energy to do this. Have asked my daughter to help me but everyone is
so busy....In the future when I am no longer here there may be no one in the family interested and there might be a grandchild
who finds something interesting....
Enjoyed this interview and who knows it may be used in presentations at some time. If it is
I requested they send me a copy of my responses.
Asked how they found me and said some of my comments had been noticed on a special site.
Interesting as you never know who is reading about you.
This one can hardly believe she has been sharing her thoughts online for almost 8 years
entries numbered at over 1400. At one time wondered what I would write about
and seems I never run out of thoughts or words....
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