Books by the old Leather Chair

  • Snow In The Summer
  • My Bible
  • The Power of Silence
  • What Comes Next and to Like It
  • Encore Provence
  • A Year in Provence

Thursday, September 15, 2011

This Is Your Home

A wonderful morning
slight rain through the night
cool now
but warmer later.
The small gnats or
flies that try to attack
my eyes on walks
through the woods
are so irritating.
I wear my sun glasses
but they try to fly
under the glasses.
Wish they would
not do this...
Even with the speed
of the tractor
they keep up with me.
So with the pleasure
of nature
there are some downsides.
But then I remember
I have invaded their home.
Looking forward to one
daughter having breakfast with
me in the morning.
Two other daughters to have
lunch with me Sunday.
One of those will be with me
for a few days.
Visiting from Florida for my
grandson's special time at
Vanderbilt and then on to
visit mom.
So from solitude to a
busy time....
Just finished a blueberry muffin
and tea
so good
looked at the calorie content
390 calories
glad I just ate l/2.....


Judy said...

Enjoy your time

the wild magnolia said...

Peaceful sharing, edges of happiness, make orange cookies.

Wishing you a wonderful visit will each daughter.

How fun.

Thank you, for sharing!!

Beverly said...

I thought of you this morning when I got outside and their was a crispness in the air!

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Judy and Sandra, thanks for visiting.
Beverly, I thought when you retired you would be posting more - I keep looking to see what is going on in your world :)