Books by the old Leather Chair
- Snow In The Summer
- My Bible
- The Power of Silence
- What Comes Next and to Like It
- Encore Provence
- A Year in Provence
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Drunken Goat Cheese
The only place near me that sells it is Whole Foods in Nashville. On my recent visit I bought a small portion. Because of the price, being solo (do not plan on sharing :) I picked out the smallest section. I asked the young man behind the cheese counter if he could tell me something about the cheese? His answer "it's a goat cheese" :)
That was not a sufficient answer for this One Woman --so---just looked up some information about this tasty product. Comes from the Village of Jumilla - Murcia region of Spain (area sure foreign to this lady). Drunken Goat refers to the fact that it is soaked in red wine for 3 days and that is why the rind of the cheese is a shade of red.
The cheese is wrapped well and sitting in the refrigerator. When I feel like treating myself I will have a slice with some special crackers. Might even have a glass of wine.
Is there anyone that reads my journal other then family, familiar with this cheese? It took me over 60 years to learn about this cheese :)
Wherever you are on this planet - have a wonderful day.
Happy, well, safety and peace - wishes sent your way.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
The words have gone over and over in my mind. I read them on her site and the thoughts will not stop.
One Woman - Almostnotyet - in every area of her life. Spiritual, health, emotional, family, dreams, garden, photography, and on and on.
Is it not that way - with all of us. Is it that some recognize it and others never give it a thought.
Do I think too much, am I too sensitive? Yes, and I would be no other way.
Another birthday is arriving soon. How in the world can I be in my 70's? Where has time gone? There is still so much I want to do. So many dreams realized and so many I would like to surface.
Time is running out, or rather time as I know it now. If not time then the energy is diminishing . A trip to the big city yesterday and this morning I could hardly get out of bed. Now that is not me. I usually wake up running.
So what is the answer? Continue to take one day at a time, savor each day and continue to dream and who knows what miracles still might happen?
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Greetings From Copenhagen
No words to describe what these letters mean to me. As I read them - I smile and eyes are full of tears. To think this busy young man took the time to write to his grandma at Woodhaven.
I am still smiling !!!!
How are you? Copenhagen has been a great experience so far, I have been here a little over a month now and finally feel settled in. The city itself is very beautiful and traditional Nordic architecture. The Danish culture is also very interesting. The people are very nice to Americans even though they can come off a bit cold at
first. The biggest difference so far has been the prices of things. Since their taxes are so high it raises the prices of all the goods, so eating out is very expensive!
It has not been too bad though because I have started cooking alot and actually am finding I enjoy making my own meals. Hopefully that is something I will take back with me when I go back to America. I have taken a couple trips already, I took a cruise to Oslo, Norway which was very beautiful, the sunsets and sunrise on the ocean were really amazing sights. Then this weekend I just got back from Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany. That was a pretty crazy experience, almost 2 million people go to Munich for the festival. It was a really cool experience seeing so many people from all across the world,everyone there is so open and friendly and met a lot of really interesting people.
The weather here has been pretty nice with it usually being in the 60s. However it is also very rainy but usually the rain doesn't last. Everyone says the winters are real cold but hopefully it will hold off a little while longer. I'm sure you know this but my parents come in 2 weeks to visit and I am really excited to see them and show them around Copenhagen. I hope everything is well with you and I hope you are feeling okay. I know the weather has been real hot in Nashville but hopefully you escape some of the heat up in the countryside. I am really looking forward to coming back to Nashville in the spring and definitely will come visit again once Spring breaks, your new house is very peaceful and relaxing and I am glad you have found solitude there. I will try to keep you updated on my happenings.
Love Gavin
Monday, September 27, 2010
September Ending

Sunday, September 26, 2010
Where Did You Come From

Saturday, September 25, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
The Woman In The Glass

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010
A September 20th Day

Monday, September 20, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Extreme Opposites
I was very weary when I returned home from my recent day in the city. Very aware that there were too many items on my list (as my daughter's have reminded me ). No surprise I did not get it all done. I will return soon at a more leisurely pace. I love browsing in the different little shops. A number of delightful little neighborhoods with special little shops. Hillsboro Village, Centennial Park area and German town to mention a few. Each have cozy little eating places and shops. Miss eating at the Kien Gians a Vietnamese restaurant where I would eat lunch occasionally with my son. This is not far from the Sylvan Park area where I not too long ago built a city cottage.
Would someday like to wander around in the Nashville downtown area. So many memories from another time. Memories of going to town with my grandmother on the bus, Sunday dinners at special places with husband and children, Special shops that are long gone. Downtown Nashville is a totally different place. I might get lost :)
I need to take a couple of days vacation in Nashville. Just Miss Callie - what do I do?? Do not want to leave her penned up for a few days. But maybe that is not to bad. Have not come to a decision. This is one of the downsides of having a much loved pet. So maybe the answer is just to take day trips without a long list of what you want to do. That would be more relaxing. One Woman has a problem with pacing herself :)
Being a very sensitive person with a strong sense of intuition. Sometimes this trait is almost to a fault but maybe not as it allows me to be passionately aware of simplicity, nature, people, pain and joy.
I find the energy surrounding the city exciting but draining. Very aware of the lack of silence. If you stand still and concentrate a constant hum can be heard and felt - almost like a vibration.
Heading down the highway to the country and leaving the city behind calmness begins to comes over me like a cozy blanket. Driving down my road breathing becomes normal and I smiled at the sight of nature that is meeting me. Seems like the old trees are smiling, birds are chirping, Callie begins to stand at the fence with her tail wagging wildly. All are greeting me and saying she is home!!!
So for several days I will tackle growing stacks of paper work on my desk, stretch, breathe deep and go at a slower pace. Gardening is at a halt and the leaves are beginning to fall.
All of this brings to mind some words from a Simon and Garfunkel's song -
"Slow down you move too fast. Got to make the morning last".
Jan from - reminded me of these words not too long ago.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Tuscany Bread And Waldorf Salad

I tried to download information about Provence in Hillsboro Village and it would not go through.
It is my favorite and if you are ever in Nashville - drop in....
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Visit To The Nearest Big City

My cell phone needs to be updated. It has been dropped more times then I can remember and I am surprised it even works. Even dropped in the toilet several times. I have a habit of sticking it in the back of my waistband as pockets are shallow and I might lose it. Consequently when I have to make an errand I forget the phone is in my waistband and it falls in the toilet.
Here are the results of the visit to the phone store. The young man asked me if there was something wrong with my phone. I replied "no." Just my contract was up for renewal and wanted a phone with larger screen and numbers. (plus my little granddaughter wants grandma's old phone to play with) I was told if I get that type of phone it has a lot of features I do not use and do not want to learn how to use - that my phone bill would increase.
The nice young man informed me that my phone was better then many on display and had greater battery time. So ---- I still have my old phone.
Have a gift card that is months old for the really big grocery. So I purchased a lot of small items. A pro biotic fruit drink that is loaded with vitamins - my favorite flavor - mango. Some items that my local grocery does not carry - tahini and miso. Guess what ??? I forgot to use the gift card - it is still in my purse.
Doctor appointment at 8:00; I left home at 6:45 and traffic was so bad I was 15 minutes late. Called to let them know I was on the way. Needed a booster tetanus shot and flu shot. Important since I might come across some old piece of barb wire. Callie has scratched me several times with her nails. Not meaning to but when she jumps up my arms are the victim. Also wanted to share about my fall 3 weeks ago.
It was impressed upon me once again that I should not hesitate taking the medication I have for this ongoing colitis. I just do not like to take anything. It is so severe lately. Lymphatic Colitis is inflammation of the colon. Just a nuisance and then stress makes it worse.
Was able to stop at the wonderful bakery for Tuscany bread. It is so good when it is slightly warmed and toasted in olive oil in a frying pan on the stove.
In the parking lot my best sunglasses fell off my face. Lucky, the optical shop in the mall put the part that goes over your ear - back on.
Did not go to 3 places on my list. Would like a new pair of walking shoes. Did buy a new pair of jeans. Will be my big city jeans - all I have very faded - which I love - but some I will take for doing work in the woods. I never fail to find slacks that fit me at Banana Republic. Will not share the size....
I love browsing in a shop where so much looks old. I could pull up a chair and just stay in Anthropologie.
Should treat myself to a nice sit down lunch ... but will probably grab something quickly at one of the eating places and head back to the country. Did just that - my favorite hot dog place.
Veggie dog on wheat bun with his homemade cold slaw - so guess it was not too unhealthy.
So I left the big city with items still on my list. Wanted to drive by my city home. Was getting late in the day and I just headed back to the woods and Miss Callie.
No one in my lifetime has ever ever greeted me with so much love as this little dog. I let her out of her pen and she almost dances!! Callie, guess I will keep you :)
I will return to the big city in a few weeks. My to do list will be smaller.
The mistress of Woodhaven is very tired. 4 messages on phone that need to be returned.
She is calling it a day. A busy day that started with her getting up at 4:30 a.m.
The wonderful picture of Nashville was taken by my daughter Jamie. I told her it looked like a painting.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Thank You

in the woods of life
float down
the leaves of Fall,
bringing with them
of leaf births,
parent branches,
courting of flowers
protecting the fruit.
Cycles of progress,
as she sweeps
the carpet of leaves
in her path
Callie bounding
in the clearing.
A Spring to plant
a Summer to water
a Fall to clean-up
and a Winter
to enjoy
the Whole Foods
of her life
organic in her garden.
She sits enjoying
her hot tea,
the corn fields,
once crowded
with young kernels,
but now
giving her a look
into the Future.....
Written by -----Ugich Konitari------ Mumbai, India-------for One Woman
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Wonderful Morning

She continues clipping small branches from the trees and is aware that she is going to have some help soon. Many large limbs that she cannot move. Just seems when she has a young school boy help her that she has to work with him to point out everything and it is more tiring then the work she does herself. Another thought arises - is it even necessary to pick up the large limbs?Two wheelbarrows are full of the small branches and maybe that is enough.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Rest, nature, books, music....such is my idea of happiness
~~~Leo Tolstoy~~~
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Before And After

Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Fall In The Air and Eggplant

Friday, September 3, 2010
Let us be silent that we may hear the whisper of the gods.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
Silence is a source of great strength
~Lao Tzu~
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Last Evening Of August