After my youngest daughter Jamie graduated from college and was no longer living at home I kept having thoughts of leaving the old farm house.
I loved it but the upkeep was tremendous for One Woman. A home that is over 100 years old always has something to be done to it. Also the size of the home was large and I began to feel like I needed something smaller.
When I started the country lifestyle I vowed not to be so fussy and let things look more natural.
Guess that is not me. I was constantly grooming, painting and cutting grass. Had a garden, raised animals and everything that went with that lifestyle and I never caught up.
I had mentioned to several people that I was thinking of making a change.
This was the only home I have truly love and I lived there longer then anywhere else in my lifetime. It was the first home that was mine alone. A home that came into my life at a time when I began a new lifestyle. A home that I totally remodeled, added additions, and groomed. A home where I healed, where my youngest daughter was raised, and family and older grandchildren frequently visited. A home where there came a time that I felt in my heart it was the time to move on and not look back. There was a grieving period but I can say with all honesty that I did move on. I have continually had a bond with the land surrounding that home. A bond that will not go away and I guess that is why in my later years I hunger for the land that came into my life over 30 years ago.
This home was not on the market but one day a neighbor who was in the real estate business came by to see me. She asked if she could bring someone by to see it and I agreed.
You cannot help but love Dr. Jeff. He surely is in the right profession of being a doctor with his compassionate and warm nature.
He walked in the door, all way over 6 ft and inches of him.
This was an advantage since he was a former basketball star at Vanderbilt University in Nashville.
Anyway with his big smile and kind nature I was immediately drawn to him.
To this day I cannot think of him without a smile coming to my face. Also with thankfulness for the help he would give me for my many poison ivy woes.
The old home with the high ceilings and the new part I had added with a vaulted ceiling were perfect for him. He did not have to bend over to go through the doors. I think the size of the rooms and ceiling height offered him a freedom that other homes might not have. There was a barn for horses and a pond behind the barn.
Several trips to continue looking at house and when his wife returned from a trip she joined him in looking at my much loved old home.
I knew they were drawn to the home and I have always felt a peace in my heart that they would live there and finish raising their two sons in that home.
This is one of the neighbors nearby as I venture out more often to the country.
One more memory this early morning from This Woman on Her Journey Through This Life.
What a magnificent old home - I can understand your feelings completely as we recently went through the exact same scenario.
I had a lovely old heritage home as well that held a special spot in my soul, but the upkeep was becoming too much. And we, also, sold ours serendipitously to a lovely young couple who cherish it as much as I (it is their first real home). As soon as I saw their faces, I knew they were the perfect people to take my place.
I've not regretted it for one moment. They are looking after my gardens and even raising chickens in the barn...something I always thought would be fun.
Old houses have a special spirit - and like us, they deserve to find compatibility with their people.
Deborah, thank you for your meaningful comment. Oh yes there is no double this couple love my old homeplace.
It is so good when you can pass along something you love to someone who will love it equally. Wonderful post. You write so well.
Nan, thank you for the compliment.
With my youngest daughter being a writer and editor - at times I think I should not be doing this - but I truly enjoy it. Will see when the stories run out to be passed on to my two little girls.
Your house is so pretty and looks so regal standing there in the picture. I am sure it will always be a big part of you. I am glad the doctor and his wife cherish it just as you do.
Judy, I fell in love with this home over 30 years ago. It looked like it was going to fall down.
But I told everyone "it had good bones". It was a joy to restore it.
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