Books by the old Leather Chair

  • Snow In The Summer
  • My Bible
  • The Power of Silence
  • What Comes Next and to Like It
  • Encore Provence
  • A Year in Provence

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Dressing up can be a Scream
and Playing Tricks is Dandy
But When it Comes to Halloween
It's all About the Candy

All through the years Halloween was a big deal for my children. But my Jamie, the youngest, somehow got left out.

Memories surface how she would stand at the window watching to see if a car turned off the main highway and was heading down our country road. The outside lights were on and a big bowl of treats awaited any visitor. The visitors never came. Once in a great while she would become excited and say "I see car lights I think someone is coming." No they just were on our road and drove past our country home. So this is one of the disadvantages of living in the country.
I can still picture her standing by the window. I think one time a friend from church brought her little girl by our home.

So my youngest daughter's Halloween was usually spent at a party at school or church.
Usually not trick or treating like I remember from my childhood and her older sisters and brother. Also not like her little girls who are all dressed up and everyone visits the homes in their neighborhood.

Just a memory from this One Woman's Journey


Anonymous said...
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Darlene said...

I lived in the country once and my husband took our son and his friend out to all the neighboring houses trick or treating. He got more loot than I believed possible. (It was not farm country but houses in a lovely canyon area.)

Too bad Jaime missed out, but I'll bet she is making up for it with her girls now.

Anonymous said...

Awwww. :(

Judy said...

We used to have a few trick or treaters when we lived on the farm but our house did not sit back off the road. My girls never wanted to go out. They just wanted to stay home and pass out the candy.

Marcie said...

We take our children into town to trick or treat, for this same "house in the middle of no-where" issue that your youngest dealt with. We get no-one coming to our door, and drop off a goodie bag for the few children on our little country lane.

I've enjoyed your recent posts, but the last few comment I've tried to make haven't gone through. I hope this one does!