The new header image is taken at my daughter Jamie's in the big city of Nashville at her home.
My Callie is the smaller dog, I miss her so and with a walker and balance not good she is at
Jamie's hoping it will help me not have a fall and trip over her.
I love that little dog so much, rescued and taken from the animal shelter 11 years ago
Callie, I love you.
New to this one is Koto Music from Japan.
I play Mozart constantly, I like it but nice to have something different that is relaxing.
Enjoying this, thank you to my son for introducing me to a new kind of music.
Missing him so very much.
❤️ 😊☀️
I am back and enjoying your new photos of the view out your windows.
Looking at your header photo startled me, so different than usual.
You had German Shepherds at one time?
Gemma is our 7 year old now.
I know you dearly miss Sallie and I wish she could be with you.
I hope you are well.
I am so sad for you not being able to share this sheltering with your dog. I had not thought of that and that is hard. Glad that she sends you photos to show that sallie is enjoying the new home. Hoping you can get outside a bit more with someone to walk with you!
Tabor, thankful for a young woman a few hours, a few days a week, they walk with me and I point out weeding to be done. But missing doing myself )
I am sorry you cannot have your Callie with you, they bring so much into our lives. We lost Shaun at the end of Feb, with us 14 years after we found him in the shelter and I still cannot get accustomed to his absence. We walk the other two but there is always someone missing. All the best in this trying time.
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