A friend recently wrote me and said that "The Vagabond House" by Don Blanding was her mother's favorite poem. This poem is about someone who wanted a home and knew just what elements would make it important -- yet was really a wanderer at heart...
Shared that I reminded her of her mother. "mother never strayed far from home, physically, but intellectually and emotionally, her world was very large." I remember saying "is this really me" and her reply - "yes, this is you" you and mother are really "homebodies", yet because of your interests, reading and openness to what the world has to offer - you could be a vagabond in the true sense..... Thank you, you touched my heart with this special compliment
A good description of One Woman in these last years. But years ago I remember images like my youngest daughter just forwarded to me.... I am happy for these memories.
I asked "where are my little girls when this wonderful picture was taken" reply -" your granddaughter took this picture."
Smiling I think - a budding photographer.....
Love the photo and the sense of grandchildren growing up to become identified people with their own skills and hopes. I enjoy communicating with my grandies through facebook and the net.
Freda, thank you for visiting...
Laura, thank you - healing wishes continue your way :)
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