Books by the old Leather Chair

  • Snow In The Summer
  • My Bible
  • The Power of Silence
  • What Comes Next and to Like It
  • Encore Provence
  • A Year in Provence

Friday, December 14, 2012

One December Morning

The sunshine looks so good on this cold day.

Another year of being invited to a morning brunch.
A business with huge silos, they buy grain in this area from farmers
and ship all over the world.  At this time in history
I would say a very profitable business.

Do not like to venture out often but made myself go
for this friend.  Tasted nothing but enjoyed the punch made
with eggnog, peppermint ice cream and a little seltzer water.
Going to reproduce and not add the water.  Since I struggle
with weight this may add a pound to this slight frame.

Always a gift as we leave and thought the container was
cheerful.  Looks like a large candy cane and filled with cookies
 each individually wrapped in bright red and green foil.

Returning home the mailman came down the long gravel drive with a number of
small packages.  A book daughter from Florida  recommended and was
able to buy used at a fraction of original price and looks new
"Rules of Civility" by Amor Towles.
Something to add to the growing stack of books for a snowy day.

A can of spray you dust with and I wonder do I chance using on computer,
clocks and a few other items.  Still trying to decide to keep or return.

Inexpensive 8 x 10 tarpaulin to place on windows of
truck on these frosty mornings and when or if snow arrives.

An envelope with gift of small Tibetan prayer flags enclosed.  They always
bring about a sense of Peace when I view them and I thought where do I put them?
Since they were paper I placed them on the lamp on computer work area.
They are a constant reminder to me of my son in that far away land.

 Christmas cards received  from many you
do not hear from often.
I was going to send very few this year - but found myself addressing
many to just keep in touch.

Another daughter called and shared my son sent a gift for me to her home and she
will deliver Christmas Day.   I guess he knows I would open immediately :)

The ink in my printer needs to be replaced.  I cannot figure out how to replace and
this causes anxiety. Always independent and no one near to ask.  I replaced  in the past
but cannot figure it out at the moment.  Need to let it be....
  So much about the computer that I do not know and will wait
until family arrives Christmas Eve for them to help me.

Phone was ringing
could not find it
there it is
in my pocket.
Dropped a pair of glasses
and just stepped on them.

A caller shared about someone my age being lonely.
Cannot understand this
My to do list is long and I will never catch up.
To busy and to many interests to be lonely.

and could hear my son's voice
saying "pace yourself"


Tabor said...

You sound just a little distracted with the lost phone and stepping on glasses. OUCH! You might do a search on Google with the brand, model of your printer and the phrase replace ink. Sometimes there are directions from the company sometimes even a video from someone if the printer is popular. I hate when I forget how to do something that I do maybe once a year, but it is somewhat complicated. I do forget more as I age and I try to be patient with myself and others...ha. The prayer flags have found the perfect place.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Dear, dear Ernestine ~ this was a post that touched my heart as there are things I'm having to learn that I didn't have to really know before. That can be a bit distressing. I also need to buy ink for my printer, but am waiting until the new year, I just can't deal with that right now.

I have things to do to fill my days too.

Love and hugs to you dear one,

FlowerLady Lorraine

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Tabor, just changed ink. The cartridge felt like it was stuck and my daughter called and said pull it out hard. Worked :)
Lorraine, thinking of you...

Laura said...

everything sounds to be just life unfolding, one small prayer flag at a time. sorry about the glasses though, that is a bit disappointing...I get strange phone calls too some days... try to be civil if there is a real person on the other end, and not a robo call.

there is a new podcast up in the healing womb if you'd care to sit with it.

thinking of you with warmth and lovingkindness

lil red hen said...

Have you noticed a change in Christmas cards? Now we get so many with pictures of people's kids or maybe even their dogs. I really miss the old cards with scenes of what Christmas memories are made of.

I use "canned air" on my sewing machine and even on the computer. But I laugh -- it just sends the dust off to settle on something else.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Laura and Charlotte, thank you for visiting...

Wisewebwoman said...

I can SO relate, the small stuff drives me mad.
The new handyman left a message on my FB saying he couldn't fit me in and was off to visit his family in Ontario and now I'm stuck with all these curtain rods and curtains waiting to be hung on them once installed and too terrified to try doing it myself.
I will watch out for my glasses, they come so close sometimes.
Love the prayer flags.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

WWW, thanks for visiting...

Nancy said...

Hello Ernestine, I spent all of yesterday and this a.m. traveling and your blog was my first stop when I connected to the Internet this afternoon. You are such an inspiration. I have always loved prayer flags and plan on hanging them on my portals when I live in Santa Fe full time. Hugs to you for setting such a great example of an independent, caring, interesting woman.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Nancy, thank you - enjoy your family time and let me know...